I found that webbrowsers didn't reload javascript files even after I modified them. Pushing F5 button or shift-F5 button in the webbrowsers seems to reload only static html files, not javascript files. The javascript files are reloaded only when I manually delete browser cache, and restart the browser. I am not sure whether it is because my webserver uses frame for redirectioning, or it is a bug in webbrowsers.
A common way to force to refresh javascript is to add a version number to the file name after a question mark (ex: <src="my_source.js?v=1.1">) or to the directory path (ex: <src="/v_1.1/my_source.js">), and it is called "versioning". But, this technique is not possible without modifying pyjs compiler because the loading part is done in pyjs.
Is there anyone who experienced the javascript refresh problem?
Thanks in advance.