Dumping All Individuals

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Aug 11, 2017, 1:46:58 PM8/11/17
to pyevolve
First off, I want to say how much I love this software. It works like a charm for my very tricky optimizations, which cannot be said for very many packages I have tried. The only real problem that I have run into is when it comes to the dumping portion. The evaluation that I run can sometimes take up to 30 minutes for a single individual, so having some sort of backup is really important. Specifically, I need to implement a way to collect not just the generation #, min/max/avg info that the general statistics collects. I need to dump the fitness score and all the parameters making up my individual each time they are evaluated. I could do this by hand, but it would be nice to have a method or way of altering the current dump so that I/others can save more information. On that note, is it possible to set up the engine so that if the program is terminated for some reason, the evolution can be started from a save point?
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