Translator for translating from proprietary ScientaOmicron file formats

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Raul Stuehler

Sep 30, 2019, 3:00:39 PM9/30/19
to pycroscopy
In the code example

03. NumpyTranslator for translating from proprietary file formats (

you describe how data from an I(V)-grid measurement commonly measured with a ScientaOmicron Scanning Tunneling Microscope can be translated into a hdf5 file.
My problem here is that the 'original' .asc file used in this example is actually NOT the proprietary ScientaOmicron file format, but exported from the proprietary .mtrx (MATRIX format) into an .asc format with the help of the program SPIP which is itself not free software.

My question now is, whether there is a way to translate directly from Matrix file format to .h5 file format?

Thx in advance!

Rama Vasudevan

Sep 30, 2019, 3:20:37 PM9/30/19
to pycroscopy
Hi Raul,

Thanks for getting in contact! I believe these files were from a Nanonis controller, not the matrix controller that comes with standard Scienta Omicron microscopes. I don't know about the .mtrx file format, but a quick search reveals that there might be a solution:

If it's worthwhile, then we can explore how to merge this into a specific matrix translator.

Kind Regards,
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