Coronal equilibrium variable

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Olivia Young

Jun 24, 2019, 7:06:37 PM6/24/19
to pyCloudy

Hello all,

   I am pretty new to CLOUDY and very new to pyCloudy.

   I am wanting to model the photosphere of a AGB star, and in order to do this, I want to make a grid of CLOUDY models that vary in coronal temperature (different from black body temperature) and hydrogen density. Using the Using_pyCloudy_2.ipynb example on github as a framework, I am able to vary the hydrogen density using  c_input.set_cste_density(dens), but in the documentation under cloudy input, I am unable to find a similar command to be able to vary the coronal temperature. Is there such an input command that I couldn't find? Or can I create one myself?

Thank you,

Christophe Morisset

Jun 24, 2019, 7:16:57 PM6/24/19
to pyCloudy
Hi Olivia,

Welcome to (py)Cloudy ;-)
You can add any command you need using the c_input.set_other() method.
This is what we use in this example, taken from the Cloudy Summer School Notebooks:

Hope it helps, have a good day!

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