Project website moved

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Lorenzo Gil Sanchez

May 26, 2009, 4:38:29 PM5/26/09
Hi all,

I just wanted to announce that I have moved the project website from to

The main reason for this change has been SPAM. I've been fighting
against tickets created by spammers for a few months and at the end
they won. I don't want to spend my time admistrating Pycha project's
website. I want to spend it coding Pycha. That's why I moved it to
Bitbucket, a nice free[1] hosting service for projects. I also wanted
to try Mercurial for a long time so this is a good oportunity.

The old website will still work, at least for a time in a readonly
way, e.g., you won't be able to open tickets there. Luckily there were
just 3 open tickets and I migrated them by hand to Bitbucket.

The PyPI page still points to the old website. This will be fixed in
the next release.

Best regards,


[1] They let you ceate one repository for free.

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