Baby Kernel Shared Directory

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Alex Guerriero

Nov 9, 2020, 8:35:51 AM11/9/20
to pwn-college-users
Hi All,

I've been working through the kernel levels and am having trouble accessing files in the shared directory. I've been trying to solve level 2 with a C program that I compiled on the host machine in /home/ctf/. When I run the emulator and try to execute the program I get
"-sh: ./solve: not found" . When I execute an ls command I can see the file present on disk. I've tried running chmod +x /home/ctf/solve. Nothing I've tried seems to work. Has anyone else run into this or have a solution?


Alex Guerriero

Nov 9, 2020, 9:07:45 AM11/9/20
to pwn-college-users
Answered my own question. You need to compile the binary with the -static flag since there are no libraries present on the system. Said it in the lecture that I didn't watch before trying the challenges :)
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