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Obtaining Sandia or CEC Parameters Using DC Power

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Albert S.

May 20, 2024, 11:16:28 AM5/20/24
to pvlib-python


I'm currently working on a student project where I want to use PVlib. However, I don't have specific data on the models. The only data I have is the produced power per string. Does anyone have any papers or tips on how to obtain the Sandia or CEC parameters from the generated DC power?

Thank you!

Will Hobbs

May 20, 2024, 12:54:16 PM5/20/24
to pvlib-python
Some functions for fitting models to measured data are here

But you will need irradiance, temperature, dc current, and dc voltage for those models. 

If you don't necessarily have to use the Sandia or CEC models, there are other options. For example, using to get parameters for Or even, where you use a regression to find a value for gamma_pdc. 

These will require at least irradiance and cell temperature. And cell temperature can be modeled with irradiance, ambient temperature, and (somewhat optionally) wind speed). 


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