Can't clone sprite more than two times in PS+

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Aug 19, 2024, 6:46:16 AM8/19/24
to PuzzleScript
I have this Display sprite which I'm trying to copy (essentially use the sprite as a 10-segment display) multiple times. The issue appears when I try to copy the sprite a third time.
Screenshot 2024-08-19 151305.png
The compiler does not see the third object (LetterC).
The error message it throws is the following:
Cannot add "LetterC" to a collision layer; it has not been declared.
Is it really not possible to clone a sprite more than two times? Or is there a workaround?

Stephen Lavelle

Aug 19, 2024, 6:57:03 AM8/19/24
to adhd-stu, PuzzleScript
Puzzlescript+ is a fork of Puzzlescript with many different features - this isn't the right place to ask questions about it.  I would advise contacting the maintainers directly (or using its community if it has one) if you wish to get help with any features specific to it.  ( is its github repository I think).


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Aug 19, 2024, 10:37:09 AM8/19/24
to PuzzleScript
Ok, got it working! :)

That Scar

Aug 19, 2024, 11:14:29 AM8/19/24
to PuzzleScript
Considering Puzzlescript+ is seen here and there anyways and people are already mixing it up or asking why features from it don't work for them - it would be prudent to have some Puzzlescript+ and other fork discussion on this forum, I think? At the very least, some kind of awareness that they exist and are distinct modifications. A simple disclaimer at the top of the group would prove plenty! Otherwise, I don't see a reason to shy away from any discussion even remotely related to puzzlescript, but I totally get the point of setting some boundaries, especially for moderation purposes.
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