Re: [PureDarwin] The developers of PureDarwin think there was no point in coding in binary code three years ago as they did or make the Universities of Latvia?

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Tyson Key

Sep 3, 2014, 8:29:30 PM9/3/14
Hi Françai,

Thanks for your e-mail - but unfortunately, this mailing list's about the PureDarwin operating system - which is a derivative of Apple's Darwin project; and not about a programming language that also coincidentally happens to be called PureDarwin... (Which I've never heard of).

Sadly, I don't quite know where you can discuss this topic officially, unless someone was kind enough to start a puredarwin-lang group, somewhere. (And we've never had anyone from the University of Latvia, or the Riga Technical University approach us, either). :(

Take care,


2014-09-04 0:37 GMT+01:00 françai s <>:
This thread is mainly for developers of  PureDarwin programming language.

What are the programming languages ​​that were used to develop the  PureDarwin Programming Language?

Probably the Riga Technical University and University of Latvia
continue teaching coding in binary code, ie, machine language.

I say this because about three years ago the Riga Technical University
and University of Latvia continued teaching coding in binary code, ie,
machine language.

The Riga Technical University and University of Latvia made ​​based
projects  in  PureDarwin Programming Language  using coding  in binary code?

The developers of  PureDarwin Programming Language  think there was no point in coding in binary
code three years ago as they did or make the Riga Technical University
and University of Latvia?
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