Puppet Platform 6.28.0 is now available!

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Puppet Product Updates

2022年8月2日 晚上8:10:032022/8/2
收件者:puppet-...@googlegroups.com、Puppet Developers、Puppet Users

The release contains new features, minor enhancements, and bug fixes including:


Agent 6.28.0

  • Adds support for Ubuntu 22.04 (x86_64), macOS 12 (M1), and Windows 11 Enterprise (x86_64)

  • Puppet Agent now reloads its CA and CRL bundles every 30 minutes during each run. Previously it only loaded it when the process started, which meant the service had to be restarted if the CA/CRL files changed on disk


PuppetDB 6.22.0

  • Query logging has been improved when log-queries is set to true. Now queries are logged with their UUID before they are parsed which makes debugging easier when there are PQL parsing issues

  • Fixed a bug that was introduced in 6.21.0 and 7.10.1 which caused upgrade failures with PostgreSQL hot standbys. The method of disabling the jit has been changed to avoid the problem


Server 6.20.0 

  • puppetserver http client respects include_system_store option. Puppet Server's Ruby HTTP client now supports loading certificates from the system trust store that is included with Puppet Agent. It also supports loading certs from a file or Java cert store at an arbitrary location via the ssl_trust_store setting

  • When the puppet user and group are created on rpm-based systems, they are now assigned a static UID/GID of 52.



For the full list of changes and additional details, check out the release notes: 


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