Blacklisting facts by key/value name

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Boris Behrens

Feb 24, 2023, 12:05:54 PM2/24/23
Hey everyone,

we have an issue with a massive amount of puppet facts, and puppet is not running correctly.

Warning: The current number of top level facts: 1177 exceeds the top facts limit: 512
Warning: Fact value 'ens18,ens18.42,ens18.45,lo,... <a ton of vxlans and bridges for VMs>..' with the value length: '6135' exceeds the value length limit: 4096
Warning: The current total number of facts: 3148 exceeds the number of facts limit: 2048

Is it possible to blacklist facts by their key/value name?
Like all partitions that start with "/dev/rbd" or all networking.interfaces that do not start with "en", "eth", ... and "lo".

I tried to wrap my head around the documentation but for me it looks like I can only blacklist entire sections.


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