Ruby 1.9.2 - puppetd error "Could not request certificate: SSL_connect returned=1"

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Jun 15, 2011, 3:32:16 PM6/15/11
to Puppet Users

Running latest Puppet 2.7rc4, Ruby 1.9.2 p180, slackware 13.37 64.
Default (webrick) setup,
no mongrel no apache.

Running puppet master on the main puppet server works fine, no
Running puppet agent on the same machine works fine, no problem.

Running puppet agent on a client server (separate machine) connecting
to master gives the following error:
"err: Could not request certificate: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0
state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed"

I found this post that suggests the error could be related to ruby 1.9
not finding a cert file to use:
"The problem comes from the fact that the new Ruby 1.9 installation
doesn’t find the certification authority certificates (CA Certs) used
to verify the authenticity of secured web servers."

However, I've had no luck despite trying to add SSL_CERT_FILE and
SSL_CERT_PATH env variables to default.rb and puppet agent command
line. If the cert file is the problem, is there some other way to get
puppet to pass the proper cert info to ruby (my system certs are in /
etc/ssl/certs) ?

If I use Ruby 1.8.7, no problem. I'd prefer to use 1.9.x though, since
it comes with my distro and some other software uses 1.9. Also, if I
use ruby 1.8.7 to register my client, then upgrade everything to ruby
1.9, the agent works (presumably because the certificate setup is
already complete).

Thanks in advance,


Jun 22, 2011, 6:51:22 AM6/22/11
to Puppet Users
I was having the same problem on a very similar setup. My fix was
to put a 'hashed' link in the openssl certs directory to the CA
certificate on the agent machine. So you if you haven't already
copied your ca.pem or ca_crt.pem file to the agent host, that is
your first step.

openssl version -d
[will give you give you base openssl dir]

openssl x509 -hash -noout -in /etc/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
[will give you CA cert hash...something like 520f3686]

go into the openssl dir you received from above and create a
'hashed' link in the certs directory to your CA cert file.

ls -al /etc/pki/tls/certs/520f3686.0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 29 Jun 22 02:21 /etc/pki/tls/certs/520f3686.0 -
> /etc/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crt.pem

Note that a ".0" is added the end of your hash when creating the link.
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