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Meet your new Vox Pupuli PMC

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Ben Ford

May 15, 2024, 8:25:25 PM5/15/24
The 2024 PMC elections have now concluded and it's time to meet your new Project Management Committee.

The people on this committee will help take care of the Code of Conduct and its values, participate in strategic planning, decision making using lazy consensus, accounting, social media and blog post coordination, and so on.

* Alex Fisher (@alexjfisher)
* Tim Muesel (@bastelfreak)
* Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden (@ekohl)
* Robert Waffen (@rwaffen)
* Sebastian Rakel (@sebastianrakel)

Let's celebrate all the candidates for running and participating. If you weren't selected this year, remember that we have lots and lots of opportunities to help out and take on a bigger role in the day to day operations. And there's always elections again next year!

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