Puppet Platform 6.20.0 is now available

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Puppet Product Updates

Jan 21, 2021, 4:50:14 PM1/21/21

The next release in the Puppet 6 series, Puppet 6.20.0, is now available!

The release contains bug fixes and minor improvements, including:

  • PUP-10712 - Added JSON terminus for node and report

  • PUP-10656 - Added JSON terminus for facts

  • PUP-10795 - Multiple logdest locations in puppet.conf accepted

  • PUP-9176 - The puppet module install command lists unsatisfiable dependencies

  • PUP-8969 - Interpolation of sensitive values in EPP templates

  • PA-3513 - OpenSSL bumped to 1.1.1i

  • PA-3512 - Curl bumped to 7.74.0

  • PUP-10815 - (Experimental feature) puppet facts diff action

  • Deprecations : PUP-10724 - func3x_check setting removed

  • Resolved issues

  • PUP-10845 - The puppet apply command creates warnings

    • This release eliminates Ruby 2.7.x warnings when running puppet apply with node statements. 

  • PUP-10840 - Remove Pathname#cleanpath workaround

  • PUP-10818 - [Regression fix] Cached catalog contains the result of deferred evaluation instead of the deferred function

  • PUP-10779 - Calling scope#tags results in undefined method

    • Previously, calling the tags method within an ERB template resulted in a confusing error message. The error message now makes it clear that this method is not supported. 

  • PUP-10772 - Puppet agent installation fails when msgpack is enabled on puppetserver

    • Previously, the agent failed to deserialize the catalog and fail the run if the msgpack gem was enabled but not installed. Now the agent only supports that format when the msgpack gem is installed in the agents vendored Ruby. 

  • PUP-10731 - Setting facterng twice raises an exception

  • PUP-10719 - Puppet feature detection leaves Ruby gems in a bad state

    • This release fixes a Ruby gem caching issue that prevented the agent from applying a catalog if a gem was managed using the native package manager, such as yum or apt. 

  • PUP-10713 - Fine grained environment timeout issues

    • Previously, if the environment.conf for an environment was updated and the environment was cleared, puppetserver used old values for per-environment settings. This happened if the environment timed out or if the environment was explicitly cleared using puppetserver's environment cache REST API. With this fix, if an environment is cleared, Puppet reloads the per-environment settings from the updated environment.conf.

  • PUP-9481 - Setting certname in multiple sections bypasses validation

    • Previously, Puppet only validated the certname setting when specified in the main setting, but not if the value was in a non-global setting like agent. As a result, it was possible to set the certname setting to a value containing uppercase letters and prevent the agent from obtaining a certificate the next time it ran. Puppet now validates the certname setting regardless of which setting the value is specified in. 

  • PUP-2173 - puppet config set certname accepts upper-case names

  • PUP-10819 - This release allows deferred 3.x functions, like sprintf, to be called during a Puppet agent run. 

  • PUP-10842 - Issue with Puppet creating production folder when multiple environment paths are set

    • Previously, the production environment folder was automatically created at every Puppet run in the first search path, if it did not already exist. This release Puppet Puppet searches all the given paths before creating a new production environment folder. 

  • The puppetserver CA CLI now provides a migrate command to move the CA directory from the Puppet confdir to the puppetserver confdir. It leaves behind a symlink on the old CA location, pointing to the new location at /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/ca. The symlink provides backwards compatibility for tools still expecting the cadir to exist in the old location. In a future release, the cadir setting will be removed entirely. SERVER-2896

For the full list of changes, check out the release notes: https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/latest/release_notes_puppet.html

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