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Board meeting notes 2015/06/30

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Sheila Miguez

Jul 6, 2015, 11:01:30 AM7/6/15
Carl wants to try out the announce list for ps1 board meeting notes. This is a test.

Meeting Start: 7:06 PM

=== Attendance ===
* Board Members
** Derek
** Sevin
** Ryan
** Tom
** Doorman Dave
** Sheila
** Jenny
* Other Members
** Carl
** Justin

=== Agenda ===
* read mail
* Financial/membership report
* Review the paypal and banking transactions.
* Check money
* Member leaving reason report
* Check RT queue
* Review Trello board, report progress made.
* review complaints
* check talk page for board meeting notes, see if any discussion on the agenda took place
* new business
* old business

=== New Business ===

=== Old Business ===
* Account delegation
** Chase
*** Need to make downtown trip with Derek. Will get Sevin a Chase card and add Ryan to account.
** Doorman Dave setting up LastPass for account credential storage. Funds voted for this.
* Ray to get business cards for Board members, and "generic" PS:One cards.
** Business cards - Someone needs to pay for this. PEX card ordered for Ray, has not arrived.
* Sevin may have a contact for a pro bono lawyer to work on reviewing our Bylaws.
** Looks like the firm may be interested.
** Sevin to inquire with our original pro bono lawyer on scope of current engagement before engaging new pro bono counsel.
* Costco business membership
* Insurance Review
** Member feedback requested on 3 policies. Comments indicate Animal policy may need revision. Need to discuss
** Cameras - Ryan spoke with insurance agent, got approval from underwriters, just need to buy and install. These are purchased, awaiting install.
** New policies - Increase of business property coverage to $77,850 is in effect. We should expect an invoice.
** Need to update waiver. Doorman Dave will take care of updating the liability waiver. Ryan will review it and send it to Dave.
* Need to consider scheduling Area Host and Volunteer Authorizer review.
* Billing landlord for his share of electricity
** Sevin requested meter readings from the landlord for the electric bill so we can bill him for this.
* Emergency Lights
** Sevin says most are mounted to the walls. We need to hire an electrician to wire them.
* T-shirt swag
** Samples made. Buying some for people going to Maker Faires.

=== Minutes ===
* Mail: ComEd statement
* Membership report:
* Full members: 110
* Starving hackers: 277
* Total: 387
* Financial report given.
* Member leaving reason report (11):
** Haven't been in 3 years, too busy. Hard time feeling welcome; onboarding could have been better thought out. [Note: Joined in Fall 2009] Also obtained own workshop.
** Moved out of state. Concerned that PS:One has become increasingly bureaucratic.
** Loved the space, but won't be using it for a few months.
** No problems. Math Office Hours had run its course.
** Moved away from Chicago.
** Moved away from Chicago.
** Traveling. Will be back in September.
** Haven't been in over a year and have been there a few times. Interested in "occasional" hacker membership.
** Amazing placce, hopes to be back home and reinstate membership.
** Trying to cut back for next few month.
** Insufficient funds.
* RT
** 2973 - Reimbursement for Arturo for kitchen things. Done.
** 2990 - Dean's purchases from an auction. Triano approved. Total: $535 for a long list of items.
** 2607 - In absence of Tool Cage Area Host, Board approves spending $200 for personal protective equipment.
* New Business
** Investigating hiring an Accountant / Bookkeeper to maintain QuickBooks
* Old Business
** Insurance Review
*** Increase of business property coverage from $24,000 to $77,850 will cost $487 annually.
*** Cameras are by the bar and need to be installed.

Board meeting closed at: 7:19 PM

=== Votes ===
* Board approves spending $200 for personal protective equipment from Tool Cage budget. Passed unanimously.
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