would you please inform me how I can read the SDF file in pulsewave tool?
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as I read, RiPROCESS can now export PulseWaves directly, which is really encouraging news. But before bothering our data vendor, I want to assure myself of some details regarding proper execution of the export.
This March, we exported an SDF-dataset to PulseWaves using the latest RiPROCESS version (to my knowledge, there hasn't been an update ever since?). However, when reading the PulseWaves files, I encountered some issues in the Composition and Sampling Record of the .pls-files. I found that the variable "Number of Samplings" of all Composition Records helds zeros. The same issue I found in the Sampling Record, where all variables hold only implausible values or zeros except for the last entry of the Sampling Record ("Description"), that in our case stored the name of the coordinate system. Some of these values may be falsified because the number of samplings is unknown, as mentioned, and was manually set to 1 for test purposes.
Nevertheless, I tried to read the .wvs-file, aiming at creating an infinite waveform as the information of the Sampling Record is missing. I found that the .wvs-file actually stores sample values. Therefore, for the used RiPROCESS version, the export issues seem to be limited to the Composition and Sampling Record.
Did you encounter or hear of similar issues in the past that could be solved in a more recent RiPROCESS version? As we don't hold a RiPROCESS license, I don't know about the most recent RiPROCESS updates. But it would be great news to hear that RIEGL has made some progress in exporting to PulseWaves properly!
Than ks in advance.
Hello Martin,
I just tested reading the .pls-file again using pulseinfo.exe and now the output looks correct. Sorry for the confusion then, but great to see RIEGL supporting PulseWaves!