open full-waveform data for an urban scene

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Martin Isenburg

Jul 14, 2017, 12:24:29 PM7/14/17
to PulseWaves - no pulse left behind

an amazing release of full-waveform LiDAR data as open data has just happened. This is the first urban scene that I know of in open full waveform and it has a very high pulse density. It was made available in the PulseWaves format.

I have attached a few teaser images. I hope some of you will download and report back what you managed to do with this unique data set.

The awesome download portal allows you to get the data either in tiles or by flight line. Carefully click the red (NE - SW) or the green (NW - SE) trajectories that are overlaid on the tiling to download the corresponding diagonal flight line.

Kudos to the team of Prof. Debra F. Laefer at the Center for Urban Science and Progress - CUSP at New York University and anyone else involved in providing our community with this unique resource for education and research.

Below a pulseinfo report for the short green flight line in the sourth west of the survey (as per map on the download site).


E:\projects\pulsetools\bin>pulseinfo -i dublin\F_150326_115601.pls
reporting all PULSE header entries:
  file signature:             'PulseWavesPulse'
  global parameters:          0
  file source ID:             0
  project ID GUID data 1-4:   0C1AB076-F9C5-4A2A-108E-CBD30B2557C3
  system identifier:          'RiPROCESS 1.6.5'
  generating software:        'PulseWaves DLL 0.3 r11 (140921) by rapidlasso'
  file creation day/year:     233/2015
  version major.minor:        0.3
  header size:                352
  offset to pulse data:       9271
  number of pulses:           15638619
  pulse format:               0
  pulse attributes:           0
  pulse size:                 48
  pulse compression:          0
  number vlrs:                18
  number avlrs:               0
  scale factor and offset t:  1e-006 0
  min max T:                  388562238649 388621256623
  scale factor x y z:         0.001 0.001 0.001
  offset x y z:               315326 233405 319
  min x y z:                  314701.807 233189.272 -67.860
  max x y z:                  315473.885 234148.047 82.052
variable length header record 1 of 18:
  reserved             0
  user ID              'PulseWaves_Proj'
  record ID            34735
  length after header  208
  description          'PulseWaves 0.3 r11 (140921) by rapidlasso'
    GeoKeyDirectoryTag version 1.1.0 number of keys 25
      key 1024 tiff_tag_location 0 count 1 value_offset 1 - GTModelTypeGeoKey: ModelTypeProjected
      key 1025 tiff_tag_location 0 count 1 value_offset 2 - GTRasterTypeGeoKey: RasterPixelIsPoint
      key 1026 tiff_tag_location 34737 count 40 value_offset 0 - GTCitationGeoKey: DAT1965, AiryMod1849, TM65 / Irish Grid
      key 2048 tiff_tag_location 0 count 1 value_offset 32767 - GeographicTypeGeoKey: user-defined
      key 2049 tiff_tag_location 34737 count 21 value_offset 58 - GeogCitationGeoKey: DAT1965, AiryMod1849
      key 2050 tiff_tag_location 0 count 1 value_offset 32767 - GeogGeodeticDatumGeoKey: user-defined
      key 2051 tiff_tag_location 0 count 1 value_offset 32767 - GeogPrimeMeridianGeoKey: look-up for 32767 not implemented
      key 2052 tiff_tag_location 0 count 1 value_offset 9001 - GeogLinearUnitsGeoKey: Linear_Meter
      key 2054 tiff_tag_location 0 count 1 value_offset 9102 - GeogAngularUnitsGeoKey: Angular_Degree
      key 2056 tiff_tag_location 0 count 1 value_offset 32767 - GeogEllipsoidGeoKey: look-up for 32767 not implemented
      key 2057 tiff_tag_location 34736 count 1 value_offset 6 - GeogSemiMajorAxisGeoKey: 0
      key 2059 tiff_tag_location 34736 count 1 value_offset 7 - GeogInvFlatteningGeoKey: 0
      key 2060 tiff_tag_location 0 count 1 value_offset 9102 - GeogAzimuthUnitsGeoKey: Angular_Degree
      key 2061 tiff_tag_location 34736 count 1 value_offset 5 - GeogPrimeMeridianLongGeoKey: 0
      key 3072 tiff_tag_location 0 count 1 value_offset 32767 - ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey: user-defined
      key 3073 tiff_tag_location 34737 count 18 value_offset 40 - PCSCitationGeoKey: TM65 / Irish Grid
      key 3074 tiff_tag_location 0 count 1 value_offset 32767 - ProjectionGeoKey: user-defined
      key 3075 tiff_tag_location 0 count 1 value_offset 1 - ProjCoordTransGeoKey: CT_TransverseMercator
      key 3076 tiff_tag_location 0 count 1 value_offset 9001 - ProjLinearUnitsGeoKey: Linear_Meter
      key 3080 tiff_tag_location 34736 count 1 value_offset 1 - ProjNatOriginLongGeoKey: 1.041019174e-253
      key 3081 tiff_tag_location 34736 count 1 value_offset 0 - ProjNatOriginLatGeoKey: 2.560881348e-253
      key 3082 tiff_tag_location 34736 count 1 value_offset 2 - ProjFalseEastingGeoKey: 0
      key 3083 tiff_tag_location 34736 count 1 value_offset 3 - ProjFalseNorthingGeoKey: 1.154509071e-298
      key 3092 tiff_tag_location 34736 count 1 value_offset 4 - ProjScaleAtNatOriginGeoKey: 0
      key 4099 tiff_tag_location 0 count 1 value_offset 9001 - VerticalUnitsGeoKey: Linear_Meter
variable length header record 2 of 18:
  reserved             0
  user ID              'PulseWaves_Proj'
  record ID            34736
  length after header  64
  description          'PulseWaves 0.3 r11 (140921) by rapidlasso'
    GeoDoubleParamsTag (number of doubles 8)
      2.56088e-253 1.04102e-253 0 1.15451e-298 0 0 0 0
variable length header record 3 of 18:
  reserved             0
  user ID              'PulseWaves_Proj'
  record ID            34737
  length after header  79
  description          'PulseWaves 0.3 r11 (140921) by rapidlasso'
    GeoAsciiParamsTag (number of characters 79)
      DAT1965, AiryMod1849, TM65 / Irish Grid|TM65 / Irish Grid|DAT1965, AiryMod1849|
variable length header record 4 of 18:
  reserved             0
  user ID              'PulseWaves_Spec'
  record ID            100001
  length after header  248
  description          'PulseWaves 0.3 r11 (140921) by rapidlasso'
    PULSEscanner 1
      instrument:                      'Q680i'
      serial:                          '9998868'
      wave_length:                     1550 [nanometer]
      outgoing_pulse_width:            4 [nanoseconds]
      scan_pattern:                    2 ('line')
      number_of_mirror_facets:         4
      scan_frequency:                  106.7 [hertz]
      scan_angle_min:                  -30 [degree]
      scan_angle_max:                  30 [degree]
      pulse_frequency:                 400 [kilohertz]
      beam_diameter_at_exit_aperture:  10 [millimeters]
      beam_divergence:                 0.5 [milliradians]
      minimal_range:                   0 [meters]
      maximal_range:                   0 [meters]
      description:                     ''
variable length header record 5 of 18:
  reserved             0
  user ID              'PulseWaves_Spec'
  record ID            300001
  length after header  1184
  description          'PulseWaves 0.3 r11 (140921) by rapidlasso'
    PULSEtable 1
      number_tables:                   1
      description:                     'PulseWaves DLL 0.3 r11 (140921) by rapidlasso'
      PULSElookupTable 0
        number_entries:                256
        unit_of_measurement:           1
        data_type:                     8 ('float')
        description:                   'amplitude conversion table for low channel'
-empty- -empty- -empty- -empty- -5.4407 -3.6798 -2.4304 -1.4613
-0.6695 0.0000 0.5799 1.0914 1.5490 1.9629 2.3408 2.6885
3.0103 3.3099 3.5902 3.8535 4.1017 4.3366 4.5593 4.7712
4.9732 5.1663 5.3511 5.5284 5.6988 5.8627 6.0206 6.1730
6.3202 6.4626 6.6005 6.7342 6.8638 6.9897 7.1120 7.2310
7.3469 7.4597 7.5696 7.6769 7.7815 7.8837 7.9835 8.0811
8.1766 8.2700 8.3614 8.4510 8.5387 8.6247 8.7091 8.7918
8.8730 8.9526 9.0309 9.1078 9.2575 9.3305 9.4023 9.4729
9.5424 9.6108 9.6782 9.7445 9.8098 9.8741 9.9375 10.0000
10.0616 10.1822 10.2413 10.2996 10.3572 10.4139 10.4700 10.5253
10.5799 10.6339 10.6872 10.7398 10.7918 10.8432 10.8940 10.9442
10.9938 11.0429 11.0914 11.1394 11.1869 11.2338 11.2803 11.3263
11.3717 11.4167 11.4613 11.5054 11.5490 11.5922 11.6350 11.6774
11.7194 11.7609 11.8021 11.8429 11.8833 11.9629 12.0022 12.0412
12.0798 12.1181 12.1936 12.2309 12.2678 12.3045 12.3769 12.4126
12.4481 12.4832 12.5527 12.5871 12.6549 12.6885 12.7217 12.7875
12.8201 12.8844 12.9162 12.9792 13.0412 13.0719 13.1326 13.1627
13.2222 13.2809 13.3388 13.3675 13.4242 13.4803 13.5356 13.5902
13.6709 13.7239 13.8021 13.8535 13.9295 13.9794 14.0532 14.1258
14.1972 14.2674 14.3366 14.4046 14.4716 14.5375 14.6025 14.6666
14.7297 14.7918 14.8734 14.9336 14.9929 15.0515 15.1093 15.1663
15.2412 15.2965 15.3511 15.4051 15.4584 15.5110 15.5630 15.6144
15.6652 15.7154 15.7815 15.8304 15.8787 15.9265 15.9738 16.0206
16.0822 16.1278 16.1730 16.2325 16.2766 16.3347 16.3778 16.4345
16.4766 16.5321 16.5869 16.6276 16.6812 16.7342 16.7865 16.8382
16.9020 16.9523 17.0021 17.0635 17.1120 17.1719 17.2310 17.2893
17.3469 17.4036 17.4597 17.5150 17.5696 17.6343 17.6980 17.7504
17.8124 17.8837 17.9439 18.0032 18.0715 18.1387 18.2048 18.2700
18.3342 18.4064 18.4687 18.5387 18.6077 18.6839 18.7506 18.8244
18.8970 18.9763 19.0464 19.1230 19.1982 19.2649 19.3305 19.3952
19.4519 19.5148 19.5836 19.6446 19.7181 19.7968 19.8869 19.9813
20.0799 20.1941 20.3170 20.4532 20.5962 20.7555 20.9192 21.0963
variable length header record 6 of 18:
  reserved             0
  user ID              'PulseWaves_Spec'
  record ID            300002
  length after header  1184
  description          'PulseWaves 0.3 r11 (140921) by rapidlasso'
    PULSEtable 2
      number_tables:                   1
      description:                     'PulseWaves DLL 0.3 r11 (140921) by rapidlasso'
      PULSElookupTable 0
        number_entries:                256
        unit_of_measurement:           1
        data_type:                     8 ('float')
        description:                   'amplitude conversion table for high channel'
-empty- -empty- -empty- -empty- -0.6695 3.3099 6.3202 8.3614
9.9375 11.2338 12.2309 13.0719 13.7501 14.3366 14.7918 15.1474
15.4051 15.6484 15.8465 16.0361 16.2028 16.3634 16.5183 16.6679
16.7995 16.9398 17.0879 17.2310 17.3697 17.5150 17.6450 17.7815
17.9139 18.0424 18.1671 18.2884 18.4064 18.5213 18.6417 18.7506
18.8649 18.9684 19.0772 19.1833 19.2796 19.3809 19.4729 19.5631
19.6513 19.7379 19.8227 19.9123 19.9938 20.0738 20.1584 20.2413
20.3227 20.4083 20.4922 20.5799 20.6659 20.7555 20.8432 20.9342
21.0283 21.1251 21.2245 21.3308 21.4391 21.5534 21.6647 21.7815
21.8993 22.0140 22.1333 22.2457 22.3589 22.4727 22.5802 22.6885
22.7908 22.8908 22.9885 23.0841 23.1717 23.2604 23.3445 23.4270
23.5080 23.5875 23.6656 23.7422 23.8202 23.8967 23.9719 24.0483
24.1234 24.2019 24.2790 24.3548 24.4337 24.5135 24.5939 24.6771
24.7609 24.8450 24.9316 25.0184 25.1074 25.1964 25.2855 25.3746
25.4654 25.5561 25.6484 25.7403 25.8320 25.9249 26.0175 26.1096
26.2028 26.2956 26.3892 26.4836 26.5760 26.6705 26.7630 26.8574
26.9498 27.0440 27.1373 27.2299 27.3228 27.4160 27.5084 27.6010
27.6927 27.7846 27.8766 27.9677 28.0589 28.1501 28.2413 28.3315
28.4216 28.5108 28.6008 28.6898 28.7786 28.8673 28.9574 29.0487
29.1427 29.2369 29.3327 29.4300 29.5279 29.6271 29.7267 29.8266
29.9281 30.0291 30.1308 30.2331 30.3354 30.4381 30.5407 30.6435
30.7461 30.8483 30.9507 31.0532 31.1552 31.2567 31.3581 31.4591
31.5599 31.6601 31.7601 31.8595 31.9582 32.0567 32.1549 32.2524
32.3491 32.4452 32.5410 32.6364 32.7310 32.8243 32.9159 33.0060
33.0948 33.1830 33.2704 33.3577 33.4450 33.5326 33.6205 33.7091
33.7985 33.8891 33.9806 34.0737 34.1678 34.2635 34.3609 34.4598
34.5604 34.6630 34.7671 34.8730 34.9807 35.0901 35.2015 35.3144
35.4291 35.5456 35.6637 35.7834 35.9046 36.0273 36.1512 36.2766
36.4033 36.5312 36.6601 36.8022 36.9662 37.1510 37.3551 37.5770
37.8150 38.0670 38.3314 38.6060 38.8893 39.1793 39.4748 39.7125
39.7126 39.7126 39.7127 39.7128 39.7128 39.7129 39.7130 39.7130
39.7131 39.7132 39.7132 39.7133 39.7134 39.7134 39.7135 39.7136
variable length header record 7 of 18:
  reserved             0
  user ID              'PulseWaves_Spec'
  record ID            200001
  length after header  196
  description          'PulseWaves 0.3 r11 (140921) by rapidlasso'
    PULSEdescriptor 1
      optical_center_to_anchor_point:  0x0 ('coincide')
      number_of_extra_waves_bytes:     0
      number_of_samplings:             1
      sample_units:                    1 [nanoseconds]
      scanner_index:                   1
      compression:                     0
      description:                     '1 x RP, 0 x LP, 0 x HP'
          type:        1 ('outgoing')
          channel:     3
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   1
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   1
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '1 reference segment(s)'
variable length header record 8 of 18:
  reserved             0
  user ID              'PulseWaves_Spec'
  record ID            200002
  length after header  300
  description          'PulseWaves 0.3 r11 (140921) by rapidlasso'
    PULSEdescriptor 2
      optical_center_to_anchor_point:  0x0 ('coincide')
      number_of_extra_waves_bytes:     0
      number_of_samplings:             2
      sample_units:                    1 [nanoseconds]
      scanner_index:                   1
      compression:                     0
      description:                     '1 x RP, 1 x LP, 0 x HP'
          type:        1 ('outgoing')
          channel:     3
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   1
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   1
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '1 reference segment(s)'
          type:        2 ('returning')
          channel:     1
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   1
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   1
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '1 lowpower segment(s)'
variable length header record 9 of 18:
  reserved             0
  user ID              'PulseWaves_Spec'
  record ID            200003
  length after header  404
  description          'PulseWaves 0.3 r11 (140921) by rapidlasso'
    PULSEdescriptor 3
      optical_center_to_anchor_point:  0x0 ('coincide')
      number_of_extra_waves_bytes:     0
      number_of_samplings:             3
      sample_units:                    1 [nanoseconds]
      scanner_index:                   1
      compression:                     0
      description:                     '1 x RP, 1 x LP, 1 x HP'
          type:        1 ('outgoing')
          channel:     3
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   1
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   1
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '1 reference segment(s)'
          type:        2 ('returning')
          channel:     1
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   1
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   1
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '1 lowpower segment(s)'
          type:        2 ('returning')
          channel:     0
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   1
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   2
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '1 highpower segment(s)'
variable length header record 10 of 18:
  reserved             0
  user ID              'PulseWaves_Spec'
  record ID            200004
  length after header  300
  description          'PulseWaves 0.3 r11 (140921) by rapidlasso'
    PULSEdescriptor 4
      optical_center_to_anchor_point:  0x0 ('coincide')
      number_of_extra_waves_bytes:     0
      number_of_samplings:             2
      sample_units:                    1 [nanoseconds]
      scanner_index:                   1
      compression:                     0
      description:                     '1 x RP, 2 x LP, 0 x HP'
          type:        1 ('outgoing')
          channel:     3
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   1
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
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          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '1 reference segment(s)'
          type:        2 ('returning')
          channel:     1
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   2
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   1
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '2 lowpower segment(s)'
variable length header record 11 of 18:
  reserved             0
  user ID              'PulseWaves_Spec'
  record ID            200005
  length after header  404
  description          'PulseWaves 0.3 r11 (140921) by rapidlasso'
    PULSEdescriptor 5
      optical_center_to_anchor_point:  0x0 ('coincide')
      number_of_extra_waves_bytes:     0
      number_of_samplings:             3
      sample_units:                    1 [nanoseconds]
      scanner_index:                   1
      compression:                     0
      description:                     '1 x RP, 2 x LP, 1 x HP'
          type:        1 ('outgoing')
          channel:     3
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   1
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   1
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '1 reference segment(s)'
          type:        2 ('returning')
          channel:     1
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   2
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   1
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '2 lowpower segment(s)'
          type:        2 ('returning')
          channel:     0
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   1
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
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          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '1 highpower segment(s)'
variable length header record 12 of 18:
  reserved             0
  user ID              'PulseWaves_Spec'
  record ID            200006
  length after header  404
  description          'PulseWaves 0.3 r11 (140921) by rapidlasso'
    PULSEdescriptor 6
      optical_center_to_anchor_point:  0x0 ('coincide')
      number_of_extra_waves_bytes:     0
      number_of_samplings:             3
      sample_units:                    1 [nanoseconds]
      scanner_index:                   1
      compression:                     0
      description:                     '1 x RP, 2 x LP, 2 x HP'
          type:        1 ('outgoing')
          channel:     3
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   1
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   1
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '1 reference segment(s)'
          type:        2 ('returning')
          channel:     1
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   2
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
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          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '2 lowpower segment(s)'
          type:        2 ('returning')
          channel:     0
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   2
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   2
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '2 highpower segment(s)'
variable length header record 13 of 18:
  reserved             0
  user ID              'PulseWaves_Spec'
  record ID            200007
  length after header  300
  description          'PulseWaves 0.3 r11 (140921) by rapidlasso'
    PULSEdescriptor 7
      optical_center_to_anchor_point:  0x0 ('coincide')
      number_of_extra_waves_bytes:     0
      number_of_samplings:             2
      sample_units:                    1 [nanoseconds]
      scanner_index:                   1
      compression:                     0
      description:                     '1 x RP, 3 x LP, 0 x HP'
          type:        1 ('outgoing')
          channel:     3
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   1
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   1
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '1 reference segment(s)'
          type:        2 ('returning')
          channel:     1
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   3
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   1
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '3 lowpower segment(s)'
variable length header record 14 of 18:
  reserved             0
  user ID              'PulseWaves_Spec'
  record ID            200008
  length after header  404
  description          'PulseWaves 0.3 r11 (140921) by rapidlasso'
    PULSEdescriptor 8
      optical_center_to_anchor_point:  0x0 ('coincide')
      number_of_extra_waves_bytes:     0
      number_of_samplings:             3
      sample_units:                    1 [nanoseconds]
      scanner_index:                   1
      compression:                     0
      description:                     '1 x RP, 3 x LP, 1 x HP'
          type:        1 ('outgoing')
          channel:     3
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   1
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   1
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '1 reference segment(s)'
          type:        2 ('returning')
          channel:     1
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   3
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
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          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '3 lowpower segment(s)'
          type:        2 ('returning')
          channel:     0
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   1
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   2
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '1 highpower segment(s)'
variable length header record 15 of 18:
  reserved             0
  user ID              'PulseWaves_Spec'
  record ID            200009
  length after header  404
  description          'PulseWaves 0.3 r11 (140921) by rapidlasso'
    PULSEdescriptor 9
      optical_center_to_anchor_point:  0x0 ('coincide')
      number_of_extra_waves_bytes:     0
      number_of_samplings:             3
      sample_units:                    1 [nanoseconds]
      scanner_index:                   1
      compression:                     0
      description:                     '1 x RP, 3 x LP, 2 x HP'
          type:        1 ('outgoing')
          channel:     3
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   1
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   1
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '1 reference segment(s)'
          type:        2 ('returning')
          channel:     1
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   3
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   1
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '3 lowpower segment(s)'
          type:        2 ('returning')
          channel:     0
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   2
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   2
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '2 highpower segment(s)'
variable length header record 16 of 18:
  reserved             0
  user ID              'PulseWaves_Spec'
  record ID            200010
  length after header  404
  description          'PulseWaves 0.3 r11 (140921) by rapidlasso'
    PULSEdescriptor 10
      optical_center_to_anchor_point:  0x0 ('coincide')
      number_of_extra_waves_bytes:     0
      number_of_samplings:             3
      sample_units:                    1 [nanoseconds]
      scanner_index:                   1
      compression:                     0
      description:                     '1 x RP, 3 x LP, 3 x HP'
          type:        1 ('outgoing')
          channel:     3
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   1
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   1
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '1 reference segment(s)'
          type:        2 ('returning')
          channel:     1
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   3
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   1
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '3 lowpower segment(s)'
          type:        2 ('returning')
          channel:     0
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               0
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   3
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   2
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        '3 highpower segment(s)'
variable length header record 17 of 18:
  reserved             0
  user ID              'PulseWaves_Spec'
  record ID            200011
  length after header  404
  description          'PulseWaves 0.3 r11 (140921) by rapidlasso'
    PULSEdescriptor 11
      optical_center_to_anchor_point:  0x0 ('coincide')
      number_of_extra_waves_bytes:     0
      number_of_samplings:             3
      sample_units:                    1 [nanoseconds]
      scanner_index:                   1
      compression:                     0
      description:                     'out+return(s), vary'
          type:        1 ('outgoing')
          channel:     3
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               8
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   0
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   1
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        'outgoing, reference, vary'
          type:        2 ('returning')
          channel:     1
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               8
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   0
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   1
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        'returning, lowpower, vary'
          type:        2 ('returning')
          channel:     0
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               8
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   0
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   2
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        'returning, highpower, vary'
variable length header record 18 of 18:
  reserved             0
  user ID              'PulseWaves_Spec'
  record ID            200012
  length after header  300
  description          'PulseWaves 0.3 r11 (140921) by rapidlasso'
    PULSEdescriptor 12
      optical_center_to_anchor_point:  0x0 ('coincide')
      number_of_extra_waves_bytes:     0
      number_of_samplings:             2
      sample_units:                    1 [nanoseconds]
      scanner_index:                   1
      compression:                     0
      description:                     'out+return(s), lowpower only'
          type:        1 ('outgoing')
          channel:     3
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               8
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   0
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   1
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        'outgoing, reference, vary'
          type:        2 ('returning')
          channel:     1
          bits_for_duration_from_anchor:            32
          scale_for_duration_from_anchor:            0.00667311
          offset_for_duration_from_anchor:           0
          bits_for_number_of_segments:               8
          bits_for_number_of_samples:               16
          number_of_segments:   0
          number_of_samples:    0
          bits_per_sample:      8
          lookup_table_index:   1
          sample_units:       1.0 [nanoseconds]
          compression:          0
          description:        'returning, lowpower, vary'
reporting minimum and maximum for all PULSE record entries ...
  T            388562238649     388621256623
  offset                 60       1666809168
  anchor_X     -546770       47122
  anchor_Y      -52087      564812
  anchor_Z      -21927        1660
  target_X     -581282       89995
  target_Y     -121003      632351
  target_Z     -171689     -120129
  first_returning_sample  1502  2590
  last_returning_sample   1562  2982
  descriptor_index     2   7
  reserved             0   0
  edge_of_scan_line    0   1
  scan_direction       1   1
  mirror_facet         0   3
  intensity            0   0
  classification       0   0
  min x y z  314701.808 233189.273 -67.859
  max x y z  315473.884 234148.046 82.051

Martin Isenburg

Jul 14, 2017, 3:14:49 PM7/14/17
to PulseWaves - no pulse left behind

interesting is that the way that the RIEGL encodes differently samples pulses with different "pulse descriptors" already gives a bit of a "pre-classification" of what the pulse might have been hitting in the city. When we code the end-of-recording sample by the "pulse descriptor" then we can see that some sides of building receive many more pulses that are sampled one way, then other parts of the scene.

The shown points are the end of recording samples (i.e. the last sample recorded) from each pulse. Their color indicates differently sampled waveform recordings. Yellow means a single segment with only the low-channel recorded (this is from a RIEGL scanner), orange means a single segment with both low- and high-channel recorded. Violet means two segments with only the low-channel recorded.

It seems that a part of the building roof was translucent occasionally letting the laser through. The "violet shadow" on the ground clearly corresponds to a feature of this roof.


Martin @rapidlasso
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