so Genping shared a pair of LAS/WDP files with me. The mission is to clip out a LAS slice as well as its corresponding WDP part from these huge (2GB LAS, 8GB WDP) files . First I ran lasinfo (see attached report).
2,645,937,193 NP_T-0892_FWF.las
8,133,849,280 NP_T-0892_FWF.wdp
lasinfo -i NP_T-0892_FWF.las -odix _info -otxt
The easiest way to get only a small part of LAS plus WDP from this file is to use laszip with the special option '-waveform_with_map' in combination with the filters that are part of every of the LAStools. For example the coordinate filters, GPS time filters, scan angle filters or any combination of them.
-keep_tile 631000 4834000 1000 (ll_x ll_y size)
-keep_circle 630250.00 4834750.00 100 (x y radius)
-keep_xy 630000 4834000 631000 4836000 (min_x min_y max_x max_y)
-keep_scan_angle -15 15
-keep_gps_time 11.125 130.725
First I use GPS time filter to slice out 5 milliseconds worth of LiDAR using some time stamp range that falls into the GPS time range reported in the lasinfo file:
laszip -i NP_T-0892_FWF.las ^
-keep_gps_time -999516650.000 -999516649.995 ^
-waveform_with_map ^
-o NP_T-0892_FWF_483350_005ms.las
This extracts these two files and a visual check with lasview gives the desired result that are also attached. However, Because laszip does not change the bounding box we first need to run lasinfo to tighten the bounding box to enclose only the few returns of the file. In the first of the three images I zoom out and draw "pulses" through all multi-returns that go 1000 meter in direction of the plane. We can nicely see where the plane must have been flying.
76,534 NP_T-0892_FWF_483350_005ms.las
219,026 NP_T-0892_FWF_483350_005ms.wdp
lasinfo -i NP_T-0892_FWF_483350_005ms.las -repair_bb
lasview -i NP_T-0892_FWF_483350_005ms.las
Instead of producing LAS and WDP we can also produce LAZ and WDZ files which are much smaller.
laszip -i NP_T-0892_FWF.las ^
-keep_gps_time -999516650.000 -999516649.995 ^
-waveform_with_map ^
-o NP_T-0892_FWF_483350_005ms.laz
22,599 NP_T-0892_FWF_483350_005ms.laz
60,723 NP_T-0892_FWF_483350_005ms.wdz
lasinfo -i NP_T-0892_FWF_483350_005ms.laz -repair_bb
lasview -i NP_T-0892_FWF_483350_005ms.laz
So small - in fact - that we can attach these 5 milliseconds worth of LiDAR to this email. To produce the visualizations shown you need to hover over a point with the mouse cursor and press 'i' to select it. Then press SHIFT-'w' (or 'W') to activate the display of full waveforms. You will need to zoom in to see them. Use the pop-up menu to enable drawing pulses of 200, 500, or 1000 meters.
Regards from Costa Rica.