this is an odd looking PulseWaves file. It seems to contain ***ONLY*** outgoing waveforms but no returning waveforms. Furthermore these outgoing waveforms (those that leave the rotating polygon mirror) use a descriptors that specifies they are sampled with a varying number of segments (which makes ZERO sense) and a varying number of samples per segment (which makes also little sense). The outgoing waveforms are very uniform and are usually sampled with one short segment with a fixed number of samples (such as 20 or 32).
variable length header record 19 of 20:
reserved 0
user ID 'PulseWaves_Spec'
record ID 200013
length after header 196
description 'PulseWaves 0.3 r11 (150617) by rapidlasso'
PULSEdescriptor 13
optical_center_to_anchor_point: 0x0 ('coincide')
number_of_extra_waves_bytes: 0
number_of_samplings: 1
sample_units: 1.00503 [nanoseconds]
scanner_index: 1
compression: 0
description: 'returns(s), vary'
type: 1 ('outgoing')
channel: 3
bits_for_duration_from_anchor: 32
scale_for_duration_from_anchor: 0.00165993
offset_for_duration_from_anchor: 0
bits_for_number_of_segments: 8
bits_for_number_of_samples: 16
number_of_segments: 0
number_of_samples: 0
bits_per_sample: 8
lookup_table_index: 1
sample_units: 1.0 [nanoseconds]
compression: 0
description: 'outgoing, reference, vary'