If you would like to download full waveform LAS1.3 data with Point Data Record Format 4 from NERC ARF, you may use the ceda platform
http://data.ceda.ac.uk/neodc/arsf/ . Please note that there are no external files with waveform packets, since the waveform data are stored internally at the end of the LAS file.
The following dataset contains waveform data from New Forest, UK. Nevertheless, since it is one of the early data collected and due to the speed of the plane, there are occasions were only every other waveform was stored. This implies that the discrete data contain information for about double the amount of the emitted pulses in comparison to the waveform. So, please be careful with comparisons between discrete and full-waveform LiDAR.
You may search on the platform for more recent datasets.
For more information please contact:
nerc-arf-processing(at)pml(dot)ac(dot)ukBest Regards,
Dr Milto Miltiadou
Researcher at Cyprus University of Technology
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