Re: [plots-staff] Greenpeace Data Activism Conference

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Liz Barry

Apr 20, 2021, 3:05:25 PM4/20/21
to Seth Laxman,
Thanks Seth, 
I'm copying the main list in case others may also be interested, and perhaps you'd like to post this invitation on

Liz Barry
Director of Community Development | 
New York City | +1-336-269-1539
Pronouns: she/her/hers

On Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 10:44 AM Seth Laxman <> wrote:
Dear Public Lab,

We are reaching out to invite you to participate in Greenpeace’s first ever Data Activist Co-Op.

The Data Activist Co-Op is a three day virtual event bringing together social & environmental justice organizations, Data & GIS professionals, activists, community leaders, scientists and climate leaders. Attendees will discover how progressive groups are working to protect data; learn how individuals traditionally marginalized by the information age can reclaim power over their data, and create toolkits to advance data justice work within your communities.

There are three camp themes; Data Activism & Ethics, Data for Social & Environmental Justice, and Mapping & Visual Storytelling. Within each theme there will be live presentations, interactive workshops, group challenges, recorded webinars, and Q&A sessions. Participates are also encouraged to partake in a fun hackathon-like-activity spanning the course of the co-op: before the co-op begins, we will distribute a challenge to all presenters and attendees, and provide time slots and shared workrooms so that we can share our efforts in tackling one important aspect of data injustice. You can learn more about the framework of the event by taking a look at our promotional slideshow.

Please join us: Tuesday - Thursday, August 24-26, 2021

This is a free, ALL-VIRTUAL event hosted by Greenpeace US. Sessions will be offered across various time zones.

Yes! I am Interested in...

-Giving a presentation (live or recorded): email us at

-Attending the Co-Op: please fill out our secure Google Form

-Aligning your organization: please email

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