LEAFFEST 2016: September 16-18! Jump in van from NYC/Boston?

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Liz Barry

Aug 15, 2016, 1:46:47 PM8/15/16
to publiclab-northeast, plots-nyc, plots-phi...@googlegroups.com, plots-pr...@googlegroups.com, plots-...@googlegroups.com
Hi folks, 

I'm starting to think about organizing a van up from the Philly/NYC area to Vermont for September 16-18. There's no charge and all food is free including farm-fresh veggies. I'm looking to get a headcount -- who's interested?

WHAT: An annual Public Lab meetup to refine and test DIY tools and brainstorm new ones.
WHEN: September 16 to 18 (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday).
WHERE: Chris’s house / farm in Salisbury, VT.
HOW: Bring a tent and stay the whole weekend. There will be lots of food.
WHY: Because there is no arguing with tradition.

Inline image 1

This is the fifth annual LEAFFEST. Public Lab Organizer Chris Fastie will be hosting the gathering. Thank you Public Lab for supporting the event again this year. There is no charge for attending LEAFFEST! Everyone is invited. All food will be provided and there are lots of places to set up a tent or otherwise crash.

Rumor has it that a solar hot air balloon will be attending LEAFFEST this year. Other exciting activities will depend on what YOU bring to work on, demonstrate, and try out. We always seem to get some cameras in the air and there will be lots of new projects to hear about. Hmmm, what sensors could we put on (in) a hot air balloon?


Liz Barry
director of community development

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Leslie Birch

Aug 20, 2016, 7:11:07 PM8/20/16
to plots-philadelphia, publiclab...@googlegroups.com, plot...@googlegroups.com, plots-pr...@googlegroups.com, plots-...@googlegroups.com, l...@publiclab.org
I'm interested. So far my schedule is free and I could definitely bring a tent.


Liz Barry

Aug 31, 2016, 1:37:50 AM8/31/16
to plots-pr...@googlegroups.com, plots-...@googlegroups.com, plots-philadelphia, publiclab-northeast, plots-nyc, Carla Green

Fantastic news, Leslie!
Also copying in Carla here.

Can people let me know if they'll be able to leave in a van (that I rent from somewhere in MN) during the day on Friday?

Also, how much outdoor camping gear do people already have VS maybe looking to borrow?

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