Blogger Send Email Gadget Not Working

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Aaron Balleisen

Aug 21, 2019, 3:45:53 PM8/21/19
to Publicity Tools
I'm new to FeedBurner. Started a blog recently and trying to set up a subscribe gadget -- I used the one in blogger's layout page. I added an email and posted something but got no notification. I checked that FB email subscriptions are active... on the FB homepage it does say "your feed is so new we're still playing with the bubble wrap" -- is that the reason for my problem? Should this just resolve in a day or so?

Thanks for your help

Matti nescio

Aug 21, 2019, 4:04:12 PM8/21/19
to Publicity Tools
What delivery schedule and timezone do you have selected in your 
feedburner settings in Publicize / Email Subscriptions / Delivery Options ? 

You did verify your subscription ? 

Aaron Balleisen

Aug 21, 2019, 4:58:47 PM8/21/19
to Publicity Tools
I saw that in another thread, and changed the timezone and delivery details -- still no notification came. How does it usually work? If I select 7-9am for example, will the email come right at 7 or at inconsistent times? In any event, this should not be the problem.

I did verify.

When I posted, I got an email from blogger (I had put me name down in settings -- it allows up to ten addresses) but not from FB
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