Pictures in my blog don't appear in feedburner subscriber emails

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Feb 22, 2009, 6:36:33 PM2/22/09
to FeedBurner Help Group - Publicity Tools
Photos used to be included in the emails publicized by feedburner.
For three or so days, this has not been happening.

Also, I have lost 40 RSS subscribers and 40 email subscribers when
merging to Google.

Can either of these be fixied?

My feed:


Steve Portigal

Mar 2, 2009, 8:23:21 PM3/2/09
to FeedBurner Help Group - Publicity Tools
I just was informed by an email subscriber that this has been going on
with my blog for a while. I get the daily emails myself and so I was
not seeing a problem. I verified that others are having this issue. Is
this a known issue? Is it a WordPress specific issue? Again, I see the
pictures but some people don't, so is it a .htaccess issue?

Note that these folks can click on the email and go to the blog itself
and see the pictures without a problem there - it's the same URL for
the picture in the email and on the site, so why is it different?
Could the way they are viewing the email have anything to do with it?
(i.e., gmail or something)?



Mar 9, 2009, 4:19:22 PM3/9/09
to FeedBurner Help Group - Publicity Tools
My photos are not showing up in my burned feed either... the help says
to use absolute addresses but blogger already why don't the
photos show up...

I so wish someone would answer these questions!
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