DNS type 'mx' lookup of iberdom.com responded with code SERVFAIL

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Jan 31, 2017, 10:47:47 AM1/31/17
to public-dns-discuss

Since last Thursday when somebody using gmail account or using email hosted in google mail servers try to send an e-mail to my domain, they receive a NDR with the following information.

DNS type 'mx' lookup of iberdom.com responded with code SERVFAIL

I don't know the reason why this is happening. I can receive e-mail from all other email servers except from google. If you check any DNSquery Tool all the information regarding my domain is OK.

What could be happening? can anyone give me an idea?

Best Regards.

Ruben Garcia. 

Alex Dupuy

Jan 31, 2017, 3:35:17 PM1/31/17
to public-dns-discuss, rg39...@gmail.com
Your nameservers are not responding to the Google resolvers (possibly because of rate limiting, possibly due to missing or outdated glue records in the .COM TLD). I see that you recently added secondaries at buddyns.com to the NS records that are served from your two name server IP addresses as listed in the .COM glue, but Google Public DNS will never use those, it only uses name servers that are provided in the NS referral records from the .COM TLD name servers. After a certain limit of non-response, Google Public DNS uses dead nameserver or dead zone detection, that might have kicked in for your domain, and it can take a while to recover

You should contact your registrar (Network Solutions, LLC) and add at least one or two (if not all) of the buddyns.com name servers to your domain registration. However, as the .COM referral TTLs are 2 days, it may take at least that long for Google Public DNS to pick up the new delegations and/or IP addresses, so you may need to wait a while longer to get successful resolution from it.

Flushing the Google Public DNS cache for NS records won't hurt, but probably won't make a big difference either; you could try that after the .COM TLD name servers are serving fully updated information.

Ruben Garcia

Jan 31, 2017, 4:25:46 PM1/31/17
to Alex Dupuy, public-dns-discuss
Hi Alex:
Thanks for your answer. You are right, I recently added secondaries DNS at buddydns.com. I took advantage of this issue to make my External DNS redundants with servers out of my Infraestructure. I was missing the modification of the record in my registrar, that's the reason why Google Resolvers could not do the query.

My question is, nothing has changed about my original NS? why google resolvers is not available of consulting them?

I will make the changes in the registrar so google can make the query using buddyns.com.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Ruben Garcia

Jan 31, 2017, 5:24:18 PM1/31/17
to Alex Dupuy, public-dns-discuss
Hi. Alex. The problem was solved with the modification of the registrar adding the buddyns.com NS.
But I don't find the reason why google resolvers can not find my original Name Servers.


Alex Dupuy

Feb 4, 2017, 1:02:48 AM2/4/17
to public-dns-discuss, alex...@google.com, rg39...@gmail.com
Google Public DNS resolvers in Chile aren't able to get a response from your name servers within the default time limit of just a few seconds. This is probably due to routing problems between your servers and our data center in Chile (possibly a downed link to a major peer somewhere, or a bad BGP advertisement for your network?).

I'm not sure exactly, but you could look at BGPmon paths between your original name server AS6400 and AS12066 and Google's AS15169. Traceroute to addresses in the range we use for SCL ( and 2800:3f0:4003::/48) from your name servers might also reveal something. Note that the path between our resolver egress addresses (noted above) and your network may differ (possibly a lot) from the path between your network and the,, and IPv6 anycast addresses.

There's likely nothing you or I can do to fix those sorts of problems (they usually resolve eventually) and having secondaries located on other ASes usually eliminates this as a problem for DNS.
Message has been deleted

Adrián Mihálko

Nov 27, 2017, 1:21:53 PM11/27/17
to public-dns-discuss
I have same problem, I posted here a new topic, but it's doesn't showing up in the list?!

On Monday, 27 November 2017 17:36:33 UTC+1, sa...@vigneshenterprises.in wrote:
Hi Alex,

From last month, I m not able to receive emails to my email account sa...@vigneshenterprises.in. I'm able to send mails but not receive and it fails with DNS LOOKUP of vigneshenterprises.in responded with code SERVFAIL.

kindly please me to resolve this issue.

Alex Dupuy

Feb 11, 2018, 6:17:07 PM2/11/18
to public-dns-discuss
https://dns.google.com/query?name=www.vigneshenterprises.in&type=MX and https://dns.google.com/query?name=www.vigneshenterprises.in&type=A show no answers, you need to configure MX or at least A records to receive e-mail.


Feb 15, 2018, 11:55:35 PM2/15/18
to public-dns-discuss
Hi Alex, 

I'm having the same issue which I'm not able to receive any emails to my email account of...@npkchambers.com but I'm able to send mails to other accounts. 
my clients receive error as "DNS Error: 6852764 DNS type 'mx' lookup of npkchambers.com responded with code SERVFAIL"

Alex Dupuy

Feb 16, 2018, 12:15:52 AM2/16/18
to public-dns-discuss
npkchambers wrote:
I'm having the same issue which I'm not able to receive any emails to my email account of...@npkchambers.com but I'm able to send mails to other accounts. 
my clients receive error as "DNS Error: 6852764 DNS type 'mx' lookup of npkchambers.com responded with code SERVFAIL"

Your domain has a delegation to ns1.streamxhost.com ( but the name server at that address doesn't know anything about your domain and returns REFUSED:

$ dig SOA +noedns +norec +noall +comment npkchambers.com @
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: REFUSED, id: 7453
;; flags: qr; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

You either need to configure (or enable) that service or change your delegation and glue records at the .COM TLD through your registry.


Oct 10, 2018, 8:43:23 AM10/10/18
to public-dns-discuss

I am getting the same error:

Delivery incomplete

There was a temporary problem delivering your message to om...@bodnerflom.com. Gmail will retry for 48 more hours. You'll be notified if the delivery fails permanently.
The response was:

DNS Error: 4727646 DNS type 'mx' lookup of bodnerflom.com responded with code SERVFAIL

I am able to send messages out but someone who uses Gmail is not able to send me anything....What do I do??

Thanks for all your help!


Puneet Sood

Oct 10, 2018, 8:52:34 AM10/10/18
to public-dns-discuss
The zone has a lame delegation. See http://dnsviz.net/d/bodnerflom.com/dnssec/.
Message has been deleted

Grant Pittendrigh

Jul 20, 2021, 10:57:04 AM7/20/21
to public-dns-discuss

I am not getting emails in for this email address, i can only send.
What do i need to do?

Address not found
Your message wasn't delivered to pres...@redbacksafl.com because the domain redbacksafl.com couldn't be found. Check for typos or unnecessary spaces and try again.
The response was:

DNS Error: 23046042 DNS type 'mx' lookup of redbacksafl.com responded with code SERVFAIL

Thanks in advance

Abraham Paichua

Oct 13, 2021, 8:55:02 AM10/13/21
to public-dns-discuss
Hi all,

I am also getting this same issue and my domain in been down for over a week now.

can anyone help me, please?

Jose Gonzalez

Oct 13, 2021, 11:21:13 AM10/13/21
to public-dns-discuss
I am having the following:
DNS Error: 8349089 DNS type 'mx' lookup of ssspr.com responded with code SERVFAIL

I have checked our DNS records, MX, and so on... and everything seems fine.

Can you help me with this?


Claus Mattsson

Oct 18, 2021, 8:58:48 AM10/18/21
to public-dns-discuss
Hi abraham.

Post the domain so we can troubleshoot it.


Claus Mattsson

Oct 18, 2021, 8:59:05 AM10/18/21
to public-dns-discuss
Hi Jose,

Your auth domainserver (ns3.ssspr.com & ns4.ssspr.com) isn't answering to all requests. From my homeconnection, I am able to get this result:

; <<>> DiG 9.16.16 <<>> MX ssspr.com @
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 53697
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4000
;ssspr.com.                     IN      MX

ssspr.com.              900     IN      MX      10 ssspr-com.mail.protection.outlook.com.

;; Query time: 2153 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Oct 13 18:02:21 CEST 2021
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 88

But from my Azure instace, I am getting this:

; <<>> DiG 9.11.2-P1 <<>> MX ssspr.com @
;; global options: +cmd
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

Either way, you should improve the performance of your auth nameserver, to support normal operation. You only have one server hosting the zone, which is not recommended:
; <<>> DiG 9.16.16 <<>> NS ssspr.com @j.gtld-servers.net
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 57909
;; flags: qr rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 3
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;ssspr.com.                     IN      NS

ssspr.com.              172800  IN      NS      ns3.ssspr.com.
ssspr.com.              172800  IN      NS      ns4.ssspr.com.

ns3.ssspr.com.          172800  IN      A
ns4.ssspr.com.          172800  IN      A

;; Query time: 23 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Oct 13 18:06:06 CEST 2021
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 106


Jose Joaquin Pino

Oct 29, 2021, 9:37:16 AM10/29/21
to public-dns-discuss
I am having the following:

DNS Error: 4063322 DNS type 'mx' lookup of tumarketchile.cl responded with code NXDOMAIN Domain name not found: tumarketchile.cl

Can you help me with this?


Claus Mattsson

Oct 29, 2021, 10:55:28 AM10/29/21
to public-dns-discuss
Hi Jose,

According to https://dns.google/resolve?name=tumarketchile.cl&type=MX you shouldn't see that issue.


Liviu Savca

Nov 29, 2021, 11:41:10 AM11/29/21
to public-dns-discuss
Could you please troubleshoot engelhart-reed.com 
Getting similar error from some Gmail users:
DNS type 'mx' lookup of engelhart-reed.com responded with code SERVFAIL
DNS type 'mx' lookup of engelhart-reed.com responded with status: DEADLINE_EXEEDED

Claus Mattsson

Dec 1, 2021, 2:29:29 PM12/1/21
to public-dns-discuss
I have checked your DNS and that seems to work flawless. Google Public DNS is also resolving without issues.

Ferio Arsyad

Jun 7, 2022, 4:08:09 PM6/7/22
to public-dns-discuss
Hi Everyone,

I have similar issue with our email. Below are email notification

Delivery incomplete

DNS Error: DNS type 'mx' lookup of mercatura.co.id responded with code SERVFAIL

Thank you,

Claus Mattsson

Jun 16, 2022, 11:27:58 AM6/16/22
to public-dns-discuss

Kelly Davis

Jun 28, 2022, 7:48:23 AM6/28/22
to public-dns-discuss

Lauren Collett

Aug 4, 2022, 4:13:38 PM8/4/22
to public-dns-discuss
Can someone help me troubleshoot for our customer memphistn.gov - they cannot receive any emails from Google accounts. The problem seems to be intermittent (worked yesterday but not today). I receive the same SERVFAIL when emailing them. 

Ehryl O'Rourke

Jan 11, 2023, 9:23:26 AM1/11/23
to public-dns-discuss
We are having a similar issues with our email also :

DNS Error: DNS type 'mx' lookup of mercatura.co.id responded with code SERVFAIL

I've spoken to our email provider ZOHO MAIL, and they said everything is fine on their end.
I've spoke to our domain provider WIX, they said everything is fine on their end.
I've spoken to Namecheap where I created our DNS records, everything is good on their end

So now, it's google...

Please help

Rasik K

Apr 9, 2024, 9:52:35 AMApr 9
to public-dns-discuss
I'm getting the same error for the domain "leitenindia.com"
The bounce-back I receive is:

Delivery incomplete There was a temporary problem delivering your message to @leitenindia.com. Gmail will retry for 45 more hours. You'll be notified if the delivery fails permanently. The response was : DNS Error : DNS type 'mx' lookup of leitenindia.com responded with code SERVFAIL


I have verified the DNS records, but nothing seems out of place. 

Also the emails are working from all domains except sbckw.com (Kuwait) & sa-il.co.za (South Africa). I checked with the email service provider and hosting provider and no restrictions over geographical locations is set. So that doesn't seem to be the issue. 

Can someone help me out with this?
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