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What is the domain name of

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Jakub Svoboda

Feb 21, 2023, 11:21:17 AM2/21/23
to public-dns-discuss
In order to use the public DNS server, I am asked by my domain registrar to provide a domain name, and not just the IP, so is there any domain name before this IP so that I can use it with my domain registrar?


Tianhao Chi

Feb 21, 2023, 11:51:39 AM2/21/23
to public-dns-discuss
You can use You can find this with "dig -x" command.

Tianhao Chi

Feb 21, 2023, 3:51:11 PM2/21/23
to public-dns-discuss
And may I ask why you need the domain name for the registrar? We are the public resolver instead of the authoritative and not supposed to be registered with domain registrar.

Viktor Dukhovni

Feb 21, 2023, 3:57:43 PM2/21/23
to Jakub Svoboda, public-dns-discuss
On Tue, 21 Feb 2023 at 11:21, Jakub Svoboda <> wrote:
In order to use the public DNS server, I am asked by my domain registrar to provide a domain name, and not just the IP, so is there any domain name before this IP so that I can use it with my domain registrar?

The DNS servers ARE NOT authoritative DNS servers, they are recursive resolvers. When your registrar is asking you for a DNS server for your domain, that has be an authoritative server that is actually storing and managing the DNS data for your zone. You SHOULD NOT use or other Google public DNS IP addresses (under any name) as your domain's nameservers, this won't work, Google public DNS does not have the data to answer queries about your domain unless they're hosted at some actually authoritative DNS server.
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