OSMS and Ukraine

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Victoria Jaqua

Mar 5, 2022, 2:17:31 PM3/5/22
to pub...@googlegroups.com, Christina Cole
Hello friends,
Today OSMS met with a Ukraine maker in our network (very prolific with FabLab) to see how we could help. We identified some action items to do with oxygen concentrators, as well as a potential project for creating ventilation and humidity/mold control for people sheltering in basements and underground areas.
Yuri is going to ask his Ukraine network for any problems, medical and non, that our global community could potentially help with in terms of remote engineering support, design, fabrication, medical device cleaning, etc.
Keep in mind that many Ukraine experts in these fields have 1) fled 2) become active military or 3) shifted efforts toward resistance. OSMS is supporting this shifting crisis with access to credible brain power, documentation, networking, and logistics. More will develop as time goes on.

Makers have been asked to make trauma bandages incorporating 3DP but it is slow going. I am reaching out to GLIA for support on this. We also might need brain power from structural and civil engineers in the future.

If you know of anyone in your network who could help with this breadth of humanitarian crisis in terms of local system support, please let me know!

Victoria F Jaqua RT(R)(CT), RCIS

Medical Community Lead / Open Source Medical Supplies

W: opensourcemedicalsupplies.org

Pronouns: she/her





Dorothy Jones-Davis

Mar 7, 2022, 10:16:06 AM3/7/22
to Victoria Jaqua, pubinv, Christina Cole
I'll put out a call and see what I can do! 

I know Brad Halsey at Building Momentum said they may be en route to Ukraine and asked for a local makerspace connection. Kiev Hackerspace is the only active hackerspace I know of, which I shared with him: https://hacklab.kiev.ua/en/how-to-find-us/. I'm not sure if Yuri knows them?

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Robert Read

Mar 7, 2022, 10:23:36 AM3/7/22
to Dorothy Jones-Davis, Victoria Jaqua, pubinv, Christina Cole
Thank you, Dororthy and Victoria.

Public Invention as an organization has modified a previous software project which we created as a tutorial, to create a new project to allow the rapid mapping of geotagged photos across space and time. This project is not ready to be used yet. The goal is to allow documentation of humanitarian crises and as a tool to be used by journal and OSINT (open source intelligence) analysts. When peace returns, it can be used for mapping invasive plant species, for example.

Ben Coombs and I are working on this, but we need skilled JavaScript programming help. We are both good programmers, but he has a full-time job and new baby daughter, and I have to manage many other projects and do the taxes for Public Invention. I just came back from Auburn Alabama where we kicked-off the Public Invention club at Auburn University. 

Robert L. Read, PhD
Twitter: @RobertLeeRead @pubinvention
Public Invention: https://www.pubinv.org
Join Our Mailing list: pub...@googlegroups.com

Dorothy Jones-Davis

Mar 7, 2022, 10:36:28 AM3/7/22
to Robert Read, Victoria Jaqua, pubinv, Christina Cole
Robert, I'm definitely happy to put out a call and see if anyone in our community is interested in helping with this project, or please do feel free to add the request to the Slack and Facebook threads I just added to our Nation of Makers' community Slack and makerspace organizer group on Facebook.

Kudos to you on the new club formation at Auburn!

Warmest regards,

Victoria Jaqua

Mar 7, 2022, 10:58:45 AM3/7/22
to Dorothy Jones-Davis, Robert Read, pubinv, Christina Cole
I have a software person looking for open source work. Am at hospital today, will bring him in ASAP.

I caution someone going into UA right now. Might be better to stage in RO or PO. More later.

Robert, we will have an update at EBC today
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