open source PAPR looking for broader network

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Sep 29, 2023, 4:37:30 PM9/29/23
to pubinv
Pub Inv friends,
I am working with an Australian team on an extremely impressive PAPR project that has passed advanced testing. You can see testing documentation in the Design Report .pdf on the instructables site. This is the most wearable and hearable/talkable PAPR I've seen, including commercial units, and had been enjoying a robust Maker uptake on Instructables and Thingiverse.

I am looking for:
A biomed department to take this on as a capstone project, ideally one with access to ISO testing facilities. 
  • Goal- publication/validation of the device (team wants to keep it open source)
A scaled manufacturing partner

Any connections through the PI networks would be extremely helpful!
Note: I have already emailed Dr. Abidi directly.

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