Podcast by Make Community about RespiraCon II

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Robert Read

Jan 13, 2022, 7:22:14 PM1/13/22
to pubinv, PubInvBoard
Dear Public Inventors,

I'm honored to have been interviewed, along with firebrand Leith Greenslade, by Dale Dougherty, founder of Make Magazine, in a podcast promoting RespiraCon II. RespiraCon is a free virtual conference happening Jan. 29th and 30th (3 hours each morning.) We have only 230 people registered so far but this great group of speakers deserves 500; we really need help promoting this.

Here is the podcast page (with a transcript):

Here's the video:

Here is the main conference website:

Please share and promote this if you believe the next decade demands open, shareable, repairable medical technology.
Here is a tweet you can retweet:
And a LinkedIn post:

Robert L. Read, PhD
Twitter: @RobertLeeRead @pubinvention
Public Invention: https://www.pubinv.org
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