Dear Public Inventors,
I leave on a 3-week vacation with my wife to Greece tomorrow.
We did not get the POSE grant, although our reviews were good. It was awarded to only 4 grantees (though they said they had up to 20 available.) I don't know why not --- the other projects seem, on the surface, similar to ours.
Soon I will get the PolyVent Educational Platform version 2.0 --- a redesign designed for education. Hopefully it will be used at Rice U. this semester.
I have been busily working on a project of NASA based on a variant of our oxygen concentrator made by Ben Coombs, which is itself a fork of VentOS. That is going well, I think, and will likely lead to an additional contract. The project is the digital control of a ceramic oxygen generator that would be revolutionary if it could be commercialized.
Robert L. Read, PhD
Twitter: @RobertLeeRead @pubinvention