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JNation 2020 - J Day is Tomorrow!

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Samuel Santos

Jun 1, 2020, 8:54:19 AM6/1/20
to PT.JUG Geral

JNation's ONLINE and FREE to attend conference is happening Tomorrow! Are you excited? We can't wait!


The conference will start at 9:45 AM (WEST) with 50 minute sessions, divided into three parallel tracks, until 11:00 PM (WEST), when the closing Keynote will take place.

You can check the session times and contents of each track at our schedule page:

How to participate?

Being a FREE online event, the way to participate is as simple as following the streaming of the room you want to attend, at any given time. You can find the links to the live streams at

For a more involved participation in JNation 2020, you should join our Slack channel where you will be able to comment and ask questions about the sessions you're watching, connect to other people and have a sense of being at JNation. You can join the JNation Slack channel here:

JNation App

For JNation 2020, we've updated our JNation mobile app for iOS and Android! It can help you know more about our speakers, find out which sessions interest you the most at any time and be alerted when your favourite talk is about to start.
You can find the app download links at

Any doubt or question you might have, please feel free to reach us through our social networks or at

We can't wait to see you online! #staysafe

Samuel Santos
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