Upgrade to OpenEXR 3.2

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alexuzt2019 alexutzu2018

Sep 1, 2023, 3:54:16 AM9/1/23
to PTGui Support
Upgrade to OpenEXR 3.2

What's new PTGui 12.x

- Zip compression level
- DWA compression level

- output HDR by default

OpenEXR metadata exif

PTGui version 13 is released

PTGui Support

Sep 1, 2023, 3:57:51 AM9/1/23
to pt...@googlegroups.com

I assume this is meant as feature requests?

Regarding 'output HDR by default': you can probably do this using File -
Make Default.

EXR doesn't support EXIF directly as far as I'm aware. What kind of
metadata do you need?

Kind regards,

Joost Nieuwenhuijse
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