Open Source Ptex Plug-ins for 3dsMax and shader for mental ray

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Jan 25, 2011, 8:21:24 PM1/25/11
to ptex

I have just created a new git repository for the Ptex plug-ins for
3dsMax and shaders for mental ray.

I'm pretty confident that if the mental ray shader is linked using
shader.lib provided with Maya it will load and render in Maya, but I
haven't tried this yet.

These are the 3ds Max plug-ins that were being distributed with <a
href="">Stripes</a>, now they
are open source and I'm including a mental ray shader that links with
3dsMax. This is my first mental ray shader ever, and it still needs
some work to support derivatives and the uv index is hardcoded to 0
right now!

The plug-ins and shaders are built using CMake and Visual Studio, but
I was unable to add the Ptex library to the project using git
submodules, so I just copied the whole Ptex folder into the project
(along with zlib). (Does anybody knows how to do this?)


stig atle steffensen

Feb 27, 2014, 1:16:17 AM2/27/14
first of all - Thanks for making this open source!

I tried to generate project files here, and it does so for libtex, libx, maya 2008-2012, but nothing for max.
I do not have my SDK's for 3dsmax installed the same way as you did, I was hoping that I could just fix it afterwards and point to the regular SDK directories.
I did generate projects for visual studio 2010 (libtex, libx and zlib compiled fine with it for x64).
I do not compile for maya since I do not have it.

Do you have any hints as to whats going wrong?

stig atle steffensen

Mar 14, 2014, 5:07:09 AM3/14/14
I sat down yesterday and started on updating it to the latest 3dsmax SDK (2014).
I have it running now, but I need to fix two more functions for the GUI buttons.
And then obviously test it.

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