> Like:
> - Packing the subtextures in a rectangular texture
We implemented packing for OpenGL display in our paint program. There
hasn't been any plan to add it to the ptex library though. It could
be done but it's probably done better outside of the main library as
I'm guessing it's somewhat application-specific. The algorithm we
implemented was fairly straightforward. There are probably more
efficient ones, but ours is a fairly simple packing case given that
all textures our powers-of-two. We don't use any padding between the
textures either. This seems fine for a paint system (we don't use
filtering when displaying the textures) but for other apps the
requirements may be different.
> - Seamless filtering with a pixel shader
This is trickier of course. To get an idea of what's possible, take a
look at Cem Yuksel's Mesh Colors (http://www.cemyuksel.com/research/
> - Texture management - on-demand loading of the necessary mip-maps
> from the ptex file/cache.
The library does this but on the CPU side. You would need another
piece of software in to manage a GPU texture budget.
> We don't use any padding between the textures either. This seems fine for a paint system (we don't use
filtering when displaying the textures) but for other apps the requirements may be different.hello, curiously, how to fix the seam problem without texture padding (putting texels along uv shell border) when applying texture to each face?thank you in advance. ,