issue sending triggers using Neurospec usb-parallel adapter

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Jul 4, 2017, 2:12:50 AM7/4/17
to psychopy-users
Hi everyone

I'm having trouble getting my experiment to send triggers, and I'm thinking it may be to do with using a usb to parallel port converter (Neurospec).

I'm thinking this because triggers are being sent to ActiView when checked via Matlab, and I have the appropriate drivers installed plus inpout32 and have that placed in the folder of my script. 

The script I am using within my study is below. It could be a simple address issue (this is the address when checking device managers via control panel). And no error message is displayed, so I gather it is correct.

from psychopy import parallel
from ctypes import windll

portaddress = 0x00000008

def sendTrigger(triggerCode):
        windll.inpout32.Out32(portaddress, triggerCode)
        windll.inpout32.Out32(portaddress, 0)
    except RuntimeError: print "Trigger \ ''' + str(triggerCode) + ''\'' could not be sent"
    except WindowsError: print "inpout32.dll couldn't be found"


I've also tried testing via the script below, which again shows no errors but simply doesn't send the trigger when checking via ActiView.

#!/usr/bin/env python2
from psychopy import visual, core, logging
from psychopy import parallel
from ctypes import windll

nFramesOn = 5
nFramesOff = 30
nCycles = 2
parallel.setPortAddress(0x00000008) #address for parallel port on many machines
pinNumber = 2#choose a pin to write to (2-9). 

#setup the stimuli and other objects we need
myWin = visual.Window([1280, 1024],allowGUI=False)#make a window
myWin.flip()#present it
myStim = visual.PatchStim(myWin, tex=None, mask=None, color='white', size=2)   
myClock = core.Clock() #just to keep track of time

#present a stimulus for EXACTLY 20 frames and exactly 5 cycles
for cycleN in range(nCycles):
    for frameN in range(nFramesOff):
        #don't draw, just refresh the window
        parallel.setData(0)#sets all pins low
    for frameN in range(nFramesOn):
        #immediately *after* screen refresh set pins as desired
        parallel.setPin(2,1)#sets just this pin to be high        
#report the mean time afterwards
print 'total time=', myClock.getTime()
print 'avg frame rate=', myWin.fps()
#set pins back to low
parallel.setData(0)#sets all pins low again

I may be going down the wrong rabbit hole here, but Matlab runs the Neurospec usb-parallel adapter as a serial port - could this be the issue? (see URL)

Quoted from the URL below (under subheading Neurospec MMB trigger box) -  "The box appears as serial port and trigger codes are sent to this serial port using PTB's IOPort function"

Any help is massively appreciated!


Michael MacAskill

Jul 4, 2017, 4:22:59 PM7/4/17

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