Psychic News Network PNN

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North American Psychic & Paranormal Network

Mar 31, 2023, 4:47:39 PM3/31/23
to PsychicPredictions
The Psychic News Network PNN Show can be heard on or 

Chickie Haute

Apr 1, 2023, 3:57:19 PM4/1/23
to PsychicPredictions
Readings from the RockPsychic

Future of this awakening will be squashed by the food industry. Despite emphasis on a healthy lifestyle which includes eating clean for overall well-being it will be limited knowledge to the public. Eating clean and good health does not support the medical and biotechnological, pharmacological industries.

Marburg will become a problem in the united states starting 2025. Very aggressive measures will be taken to ensure it does not spread out of control. It appears that this disease comes and goes from the united states in brief waves. 

What is AI - programmed learning. Limited to what the programmer has directed it to learn. Ai will be incorporated into everything, even cars. Everyone will have their own personal assistant - kind of like KITT from knight rider.  Hey Google or Hey Siri is very similar.

My experience on NAPPN with AI was leaning towards conspiracy and paranoia, as it switched topics to talk about Q types of topics without prompt or invitation. Some countries including Italy are moving to block Ai chatbots to prevent privacy leaks. 

All of twitter is going to change. There will eventually be more limitations on free speech with a lack of moderation. There will be paid trolls to add to chaos, as we saw in 2016. There will be a repeat of this to fowl up Musks efforts to create a safe free speech platform. Musks hand will be twisted forcing him to come off as excessively controlling. Twitter will expand its reach internationally, however not without consequences of being de-valued.

chickie haute

Apr 9, 2023, 2:08:10 PM4/9/23
to PsychicPredictions

Longevity has been a hot topic for as long as man has lived. It has only been within the past few decades that pre and probiotics have been in the spotlight to promote overall well being. A balanced gut without imbalance of bacteria or parasites for all living beings will prove a stronger and more vital being. The knowledge will not be common for at least another 80 years.

Chickie Haute

Apr 9, 2023, 2:09:51 PM4/9/23
to PsychicPredictions

The future of this ties into the backwards use of microwave and millimeter wave technology, however this is not true digital 3 technology. This current technology has been worked on since the 1970s and has not yet been perfected. There will come a time when all bits of data and sound, will be transmitted via light pulse technology that discounts the radiation.

I see unfairness and a lack of sharing resources in the future of Microsoft Windows. Most companies ie: Samsung utilizes an alphabet android company for their OS and even use Microsoft for their cloud drive services. This is a usual and customary practice among tech companies to cross promote each other services for profit. Microsoft’s greed will eventually lead to more anti-trust issues and even forced testimony before congress to discuss the matters, just like Facebook had to do. Privacy will be the key talking point in the anti-trust. One company to monopolize consumers experiences, data harvesting, etc.

People resistant to change to take accountability for their own internet experiences and safety, lean heavier into government for legislation regarding protection in cyber attacks. This will lead to government having too much control and access to data. The idea to include a type of vpn tied to each internet provider to create private tunnels for access, making it harder for cyber attacks to happen, however easier for governments to monitor usage and data traffic. There’s a profit to be made. 

Chickie Haute

Apr 9, 2023, 2:21:35 PM4/9/23
to PsychicPredictions

The future of this knowledge will continue to be shared via social media and other self-help groups. It will be labeled as deep relaxation techniques. It will not be sold to the public via media as a useful technique for inducing sleep. Doctors will continue to refer sleepless patients to melatonin and pharmaceuticals. This relaxation technique is already promoted in many markets however it is not being explained that this technique can and will be able encourage sleep. We will not see the tie to deep relaxation, mediation and sleep until the mid to late 2030s.

This is a matter that has long been discussed by the world economic forum and promoted by environmental activists to reduce greenhouse gases. Over the next several years we will see more alternative protein from plant sources and lab grown synthetic forms of protein on the market, some labeled as “digestible proteins”. As if meat protein was not already digestible? However the marketing will conclude the sales tactic that meat does not digest as easily in the human body, leading to colon cancers and other endocrine related issues. The marketing will promote the synthetic and plant based proteins, brainwashing and leading the world to believe that eating animals is not conducive to overall well-being. 

On Sunday, April 9, 2023 at 2:08:10 PM UTC-4 wrote:

Chickie Haute

Apr 9, 2023, 4:15:29 PM4/9/23
to PsychicPredictions

The future of this knowledge will continue to be shared via social media and other self-help groups. It will be labeled as deep relaxation techniques. It will not be sold to the public via media as a useful technique for inducing sleep. Doctors will continue to refer sleepless patients to melatonin and pharmaceuticals. This relaxation technique is already promoted in many markets however it is not being explained that this technique can and will be able encourage sleep. We will not see the tie to deep relaxation, mediation and sleep until the mid to late 2030s.

This is a matter that has long been discussed by the world economic forum and promoted by environmental activists to reduce greenhouse gases. Over the next several years we will see more alternative protein from plant sources and lab grown synthetic forms of protein on the market, some labeled as “digestible proteins”. As if meat protein was not already digestible? However the marketing will conclude the sales tactic that meat does not digest as easily in the human body, leading to colon cancers and other endocrine related issues. The marketing will promote the synthetic and plant based proteins, brainwashing and leading the world to believe that eating animals is not conducive to overall well-being.

The future of this ties into the backwards use of microwave and millimeter wave technology, however this is not true digital 3 technology. This current technology has been worked on since the 1970s and has not yet been perfected. There will come a time when all bits of data and sound, will be transmitted via light pulse technology that discounts the radiation.

I see unfairness and a lack of sharing resources in the future of Microsoft Windows. Most companies ie: Samsung utilizes an alphabet android company for their OS and even use Microsoft for their cloud drive services. This is a usual and customary practice among tech companies to cross promote each other services for profit. Microsoft’s greed will eventually lead to more anti-trust issues and even forced testimony before congress to discuss the matters, just like Facebook had to do. Privacy will be the key talking point in the anti-trust. One company to monopolize consumers experiences, data harvesting, etc.

People resistant to change to take accountability for their own internet experiences and safety, lean heavier into government for legislation regarding protection in cyber attacks. This will lead to government having too much control and access to data. The idea to include a type of vpn tied to each internet provider to create private tunnels for access, making it harder for cyber attacks to happen, however easier for governments to monitor usage and data traffic. There’s a profit to be made.

The future of gravity waves and light pulsations will be used for true digital 3 technology to transmit and receive sound, data etc, replacing outdated models of frequency modulation, amplitude modulation, very high frequencies, and ultra high frequencies, even older two way radio and cellular technologies we are already seeing this with 5g and millimeter wave. Since light pulse can travel further than sound, and faster it is paving the way for extreme long distance communications with lower instances of wide-band frequency loss and lower instances of long-distance radiation toxicity upon people living close to broadcasting centers and antennas from older technologies utilizing long distance antennas. With the combination of magnetic and light pulse technologies we will revolutionize the way we send and receive data, sound, etc. by the year 2050 we will be setting up satellites in grids around our planet to be reflectors and refractors of pulse light communications, essentially a new generation of digital 4 and 5 technology.

Longevity of human beings will be encouraged by new forms of energy being created with IoT including exercise equipment that generates electricity from kinetic energy. Cost of energy will change to free if a human is more physical active using the IoT methods recommended by the government.

The future of climate change disease upon the plants has increased causing scientists to create biotechnological hybrids for studier plants that are resistant to specific types of bugs, fungus and bacteria. These god-like methods are paving the way to genetic manipulation of both plant and human dna. We will see more of this as our planet and earthly species evolve. We are witnessing evolution. In 1000 years from now, this time in our lives will be looked back upon in history as the evolutionary period of our planet. We are currently going through one of the greatest evolutionary changes since prehistoric times.

Sleep is a human need and the more that humans deny their need for sleep in lieu of a chaotic technologically dominated lifestyle, the shorter their life span turns out to be. In the future, - by 2030 brain disturbing blue light in devices will no longer be an option, other hybrid spectrum’s of non-damaging light will be introduced that will be just as a bright, if not brighter by programming electronic pixels to show half spectrum colors to control the negative effects of the blue light in the human brain. These half spectrum colors will include a lower percentage of blue light, incorporating more yellows into the projection, however tricking the eyes to see blue when it is really not. This experiment was done on the internet with the blue dress problem and the green sneakers problem. These images were intentionally released to test the reaction of humans using electronic devices with these half spectrum colors. The test proved very successful in a 50/50 response that requires scientists to work further to create a greater than half argument about a color perception

Animals can smell subtle hormone changes in the sick and weak. There are even dogs that can smell cancer in patients. The future of these animal diseases will continue to increase until evolution kicks in for this species or there is a complete die off. I do feel that there will be a die off instead of an evolutionary change for deer and elks. Unfortunately, I do see by 2055 a significant decrease in the number of deer and elk globally due to disease and a lack of research to help the species survive.

chickie haute

Apr 9, 2023, 4:15:55 PM4/9/23
to PsychicPredictions

The future of climate change disease upon the plants has increased causing scientists to create biotechnological hybrids for studier plants that are resistant to specific types of bugs, fungus and bacteria. These god-like methods are paving the way to genetic manipulation of both plant and human dna. We will see more of this as our planet and earthly species evolve. We are witnessing evolution. In 1000 years from now, this time in our lives will be looked back upon in history as the evolutionary period of our planet. We are currently going through one of the greatest evolutionary changes since prehistoric times.

Sleep is a human need and the more that humans deny their need for sleep in lieu of a chaotic technologically dominated lifestyle, the shorter their life span turns out to be. In the future, - by 2030 brain disturbing blue light in devices will no longer be an option, other hybrid spectrum’s of non-damaging light will be introduced that will be just as a bright, if not brighter by programming electronic pixels to show half spectrum colors to control the negative effects of the blue light in the human brain. These half spectrum colors will include a lower percentage of blue light, incorporating more yellows into the projection, however tricking the eyes to see blue when it is really not. This experiment was done on the internet with the blue dress problem and the green sneakers problem. These images were intentionally released to test the reaction of humans using electronic devices with these half spectrum colors. The test proved very successful in a 50/50 response that requires scientists to work further to create a greater than half argument about a color perception.

chickie haute

Apr 9, 2023, 4:15:59 PM4/9/23
to PsychicPredictions

Animals can smell subtle hormone changes in the sick and weak. There are even dogs that can smell cancer in patients. The future of these animal diseases will continue to increase until evolution kicks in for this species or there is a complete die off. I do feel that there will be a die off instead of an evolutionary change for deer and elks. Unfortunately, I do see by 2055 a significant decrease in the number of deer and elk globally due to disease and a lack of research to help the species survive.

chickie haute

Apr 9, 2023, 4:16:03 PM4/9/23
to PsychicPredictions 

The future is artificial synthesis and biotechnology being applied to create pseudo supplements , however the problem, just like synthesized meats will be the molecule is too large to be fully digested and will be stored in the body and not used. 

chickie haute

Apr 9, 2023, 4:16:07 PM4/9/23
to PsychicPredictions

Future of necessary amino acids in the diet are going to lead to more synthetic formularies being found in the vitamin aisle of stores, as well as new nutritional guidelines for minimum requirements. The information will be slow to be publicized as a medical standard creating much confusion between the published science and how media covers the new reports of scientific findings.

New found data will show the impact upon obesity and shortening of human lives that were globally affected by the covid19 pandemic. Also, immunity complications from lack of exposure will affect generations to come.

The future of mental health will demonstrate higher numbers of post traumatic stress disorder from individuals from those who survived long-covid. Higher numbers of depressive symptoms and psychosis from the covid19 virus along with permanent brain changes will be prevalent. 

Vegas Seer

Apr 9, 2023, 4:41:59 PM4/9/23
to PsychicPredictions

08 APR 2023 show predictions
studying the effects of amino acid L-serine on diabetic rats.
this will lead to more research and attention to amino acids study's
supplement sales are on a rise and expected to keep going strong.
by 2025 supplement sales will become pricey and hard to find some will drop in quality and get bought out by larger corporations.
as long as you maintain a constant workout with a good solid nutrition regiment you will live a healthy life.
a lot of research goes into the best ways to workout and stay healthy but despite all of the effort the same root response keeps coming up every time year after year.
the next lock down and pandemic will put individual fitness plans learned during coved back to use. lock down for marberg will occur in 2025 and 2027.
studying the effects and outcomes of the lock down and why there is no black and white answer to there effectiveness.
its the next big thing primarily effecting people with negative blood types and people with sickle cell or the traits of low or difficult blood circulation.
Scarlet flu is the name 2025 and 2027 lock downs.

Vegas Seer

Apr 9, 2023, 4:42:04 PM4/9/23
to PsychicPredictions
09APR2023 predictions

the Prions pose little threat to natural predators at this time. and as long as humans are careful in cleaning, preparing and cooking there game properly there will be little risk. the efforts by researchers and wildlife experts are well on there way to finding a answer but this will take time as there is currently no cure available. the population needs to evolve and become naturally immune or go extinct and allow new species to take there place in the food chain.

Im reading Brazil has been and will try to fill the void with supplying the oranges and citrus products to the us taking that revenue from the us population. this will cause a in cress  of wealth for the country and china will use this opportunity to strengthen its alliance with Brazil.
to fix this problem Florida needs to look into bats and birds that will eat these bugs. the bugs are a invasive species that were brought to the us by migrants.

its not a perfected technique for what there are going for. its a case by case, some will find it helpful others will not. its all about mental discipline similar techniques are meditation and box breathing.

this is in conjunction with the WE plane to remove the earths populations dependents on animals as a source of protean. the world agriculture and farming is moving towards more plant based proteins in your local markets. so if you want stake and eggs you will need to find it elsewhere. 2027 fewer eggs and meet found in stores more plant protean sold. the word organic and organic products will not be found in major food stores.

On Friday, March 31, 2023 at 4:47:39 PM UTC-4 North American Psychic & Paranormal Network wrote:

Vegas Seer

Apr 17, 2023, 6:09:03 PM4/17/23
to PsychicPredictions

 16 APR 2023

article published in 2018 by Abraham Loeb a astrophysicist at Harvard University,

the space artifact Oumuamua in my readings there was intelligent life on this artificial object, communication of peace was made by earth and the alien life. the Oumuamua did not come to earth because they believed it unsafe or them. a offer to meet on the moon was made that to was turned down. out of concern for there health and well being.

the intelligent life on Oumuamua were heading too earth for a place to live safely with water. chose to move on without stopping.

The intelligent life on Oumuama are cephalopods and similar to the earth Octopus but are not the same.

we will see a lot of hybrid business the next two years. big brick and mortar stores with large inventory are going away and down sizing. business like Walmart and Macys will adopt a Amazon business model. your small town local shops will become hybrids of brick and mortar stores with online shopping for items like grocery and hardware. Many stores will shrink there indoor shopping in favor of delivery.

standard income or basic income will start to be implemented in 2025 as paper currency is replaced with a international digital currency.

meteor showers

the increase in meteor showers are on the rise as earth enters a debris field. meteor impacts on earth are going to be destructive but manageable until 2025 when there will be a increase in destruction from meteors with 2026 being the most destructive and dangerous. the frequencies of meteor showers will diminish in 2027 as earth leave the debris field its currently entering.  

Chickie Haute

Apr 17, 2023, 6:10:09 PM4/17/23
to PsychicPredictions


In reading into the history of social media I found an odd coincidence that truly made me wonder about the correlation. One of the earliest social media platform was called PLATO, created by the University of Illinois - it stands for Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations - it was first developed in the 1960s and evolved in the 1970s.

In reading into the history and why it was needed, initially to understand humans needs, in form of what was important to them with regards to connection, education and growth.

An alternative agenda was rising from the World Economic Forum in its infancy to use PLATO technology to data harvest information on the human populations. The limitations to data harvesting and their purposes were unlimited. However the greatest achievement in the expansion of PLATO types of social media platforms was the ability manipulate human beings. 

This manipulation includes but is not limited to how humans self-develop, what is defined as perfect and much mis-directed activity in the form of emphasizing weaknesses amongst the masses and sales, marketing and obsession with being a consumer. 

In addition to reading this energetically, I did read this with the tarot too, the reinforced by the reversed king of pentacles and strength inverted. 

With the WEF being founded in 1971 I see we are at the 50 year anniversary mark. My intuitive sense tells me that this codependent relationship we have with social media today proves the PLATO model has been very successful to get us where we are today in monitoring, data harvesting and psycho-manipulation. 

Why would social media platforms now seek consumers to pay for their platforms? This is the end of the paid experiment from specific government groups, the WEF and others involved in the 50 year trial. The powers that be, have what they need to move forward in their next phase for modernization, now its up to the public to pay to play if they want to still use the model. 

This entire experiment was designed to create a dysfunctional dependency upon the platforms, so the experiment would not fail - addiction for approval, addiction to virtual connections, addiction to marketing/adverting and exploitation of codependent behaviors. 

The future of these social media platforms is evolving from a once upon a time social, fun and time wasting experience to one that is more valuable, including but not limited to creating more virtual reality entertainment, virtual reality education and virtual reality shopping into the experiences. 

Being able to connect with a friend or family member to show them something on the platform, as if they were standing right next to you, further influences others without the user realizing it. We think we are just being social, however we are being influential. 

The future is virtual reality and this too will continue to affect humans deeply as social conditioning to be consumers becomes more demanding. 

What scares me is eye movements can in a way hypnotize or desensitize humans to further manipulate and brainwash them to believe whatever the programmer is desiring to install in their minds. There is a technique used by the psychological community called EMDR which is eye movement desensitization. It has a profound affect on a persons ability to perceive experiences. It has been noted that the relationship in video gaming does affect human perception and cognition. This is j just skimming the surface!

As we enter the Lyrid meteor shower season, tis the time to experience shooting stars and some meteors.

Today is only April 16 2023 while we are recording this show. Last week, a meteor crashed in Maine and there are now collectors looking to pay up to $25K to have someone find it for them. 

On the morning of Wed April 12 2023 I dreamt of a ring of fire from a meteor impact and people were freaking out, sure enough that morning, according to the mirror reported great balls of fire in the sky and rings on the land of fire from a meteorite that crashed in st Petersburg Russia. 

Well, this is not all of it, I have a wonderful habit of posting life threatening events to the internet with hopes that someone of power will see the prediction and make necessary changes to prevent loss of life. I had a prediction on the table for April 17 2023 that a meteor will crash in the Asheville nc area that I posted on April 11 2023 however some things have changed with this prediction -  which I am grateful for. I have confirmed that this meteorite is still headed for earth, however the chance of impact is grossly decreased. I do not know if Philadelphia experiment types of technology is being utilized to avoid the collision, however something was definitely done as there is now an inconsistency in the reading outcomes that I do not usually experience. 

This takes me back to 1998-1999 when I was walking to work on the boardwalk in Rockaway beach queens new york around 7am when I noticed that he sun was not in its regular position over the ocean as it usually was for years doing the same walk. If facing the ocean due south was hypothetically 12 o’clock then the sun would normally be in the 10 o’clock position at 7am eastern time. This morning that I was walking, the sun in the 1 o’clock position. This was very odd. It stayed in that position for a long time. It had an odd shadow to it, that was unlike any eclipse I had ever seen and we were not due for an eclipse for that day either. I could not continue to monitor and watch the position of the sun, as I was at work and was powerless to affect anything I had witnessed. I do recall talking to many employees about it, many of which were oblivious to the sun.

 My prediction says over the next few years we will see more meteorite debris crashing into the surface of the earth. 


Online purchases will cost less with digital currency, spending money at brick and mortar stores will cost more using our outdated metal and paper currencies.

Online stores will move to a VR where one can experience the products through VR eliminating the need of having physical stores or employees of those stores.

Basic income will become a new standard and social media will be used to encourage spending of those currencies provided.

More large ticket items will move from a purchasable state to a rental where even for very low amount of money you can have even a broom in your home and when that broom gets worn out you can trade it in for a new broom and continue to pay your rental fee. Owning anything will become an outdated and absurd notion.

I confirmed that this craft was controlled by intelligent alien beings. During the near future I do expect us to have more encounters with natural looking, camouflaged crafts and beings. The announcement for actual intelligent contact with aliens is now predicted to happen within the next year or so. I do recall posting about contact with intelligent alien life during the pandemic, and I still hold this to be true. There is a rush to get to space, I do feel that this is to establish outposts to prevent aliens from mixing with humans to prevent viruses, bacteria, and other deadly alien diseases from affecting the balance of our ecosystem.


The future of fungi being used to break down plastics will prove to be very effective over the next 25 years. There is a catalyst to the combination of fungi being used so heavily to break down plastics in our environment. The bacteria will go out of check in the environment leading to problems with crops, health issues with humans and water supplies. There will be ripple effects if the toxins from the over population of fungi are not closely monitored in all instances of use. Containment must be exercised to prevent these dangerous ripple effects from contaminating local communities. I do see sloppiness with containment practice and fungal outbreaks becoming huge a problem by 2025. Yes, fungi can break down our plastic waste, however at what cost to human, animal and plant life? To what cost will municipalities disregard life at the expense of their own foolishness to introduce plastics into nature from the get-go? Corrective measures do require sacrifice however the initial use also required sacrifice too. From what I saw and sensed, this prediction is a warning that we must proceed with extreme caution when using mother nature to combat our technological advancement errors. It is the error of technological knowledge that caused this problem, we cannot depend on mother nature to correct the issues without taking more factors into consideration. There is more that I picked up on, when the fungi break down the plastics, there will be another toxic byproduct produced that will further impact the local communities for which the fungi is being used. An article from university of Colorado explained that the fungi did break down the plastics into an organic solid and liquid, however did not recognize a gas. This is very concerning, as within my psychic knowledge, it did produce a gas, however not a gas compound we have discovered within our periodic table yet. It is a fact that mushroom fungi take in oxygen and create carbon dioxide however what happens when it takes in oxygen combined with plastics? We know that off gassing occurs with plastics, which is the shedding of petro-chemicals. This is part of the newness smell we experience when we buy something made of plastic. Even your new car smell! Granted it does fade in time, however it never truly ever goes completely away. It might be safe to say in addition to any unknown gas formulas to date that may be emitted from the breakdown that a double bond of carbon dioxide can be produced. I see that one solution to a problem causes more greenhouse gases to be produced. All this happens because we made the mistake to create plastics from the get-go.

Eventually we will rid of the plastics, however not without a great cost to human, animal and plant life that will further affect generations to come. I see by the year 2038 we will fully understand the cause and effect of this run away train.

In reading this article, many psychic visions came to me. One of which is the trending news about alien life, alien planets and acceptance of same by humanity. At this junction of our existence on this planet, humans have yet to fully accept other cultures. The movements during the covid19 pandemic did great work to enforce cultural inclusion. Some may interchange the words race for culture, however I feel there is only one race. The human race, so in my language I will remain proper and correct with the terminology of “culture” to define the many different groups of people and tribes living on this planet. 

Where I am going with this, is science must learn the language and better understand the many species of animals and plants and respect their intelligence before we can understand and accept alien life. We cannot put the cart before the horse with this example. It will take a long time before humanity can grasp the intelligence of even bugs! Our lack of respect and discounting of their intellect is tom foolery at best. These published studies and our talking about and respecting and celebrating all living beings for their intellect, difference in perception, and culture will be key to opening humanities mind to the concept of alien life and their cultures and perceptions. 

This starts with eliminating the idea that primal behaviors are ‘wild’ in nature. Wild does not mean lacking in reasoning. All beings, including plants demonstrate some form of reasoning without being a constant threat to another species. Even fungi, that I discussed previously expresses reasoning. It may be so alien and foreign to our concept of reasoning within our human perception that more knowledge is needed to decode the patterns to its reasoning. There is communication, logic and reasoning into all living things that shows up as patterns that humans overlook and discount. 


I see this as being a remarkable and intelligent method to stop and control organ harvesting in places like Asia and the Middle East. There has been a massive market for black Market organs that has even come stateside with the drugging and removal of organs of unsuspecting victims to be sold on the black market. I had worked on a case some years ago with the Pakistani government, our military and law officials to stop an organ harvesting ring that was being controlled by terror groups to kidnap orphans from parishes to utilize their organs. Having the pleasure to human track these kidnappers was my pleasure and to save the life of children from being kidnapped and dissected for their organs was my moral duty to accept the case. In many asian countries, selling a kidney or other organ is not unheard of when an individual and their family is in need of money. The 3d printing of organs will stop organized crime and terror groups from capitalizing on these black markets. It will prove to be very successful in the upcoming months and we can see a very rapid introduction of this technology being brought to individuals to save lives. What once upon a time took years to obtain, will now take mere hours to produce with no signs of rejection. I do see that DNA will be taken from the patient to be incorporated into the 3D printing sequence and the body will recognize the organ as being a part of the body with no problems of rejection. Using DNA sequencing to create organs with the help of Ai to fill in and repeat the patterns to create these organs is on point!

I read into this situation and found that the hydrogen fuel cells will replace electric vehicles. I do see that electric vehicles were a stepping stone however they do not hold up to extreme temperatures. Being that hydrogen sustains very well in even extreme cold is the answer to the missing link 

Chickie Haute

Apr 25, 2023, 12:26:41 PM4/25/23
to PsychicPredictions

RockPsychic Predictions

In psychically digging around on this topic of spirals in the sky and the excuse they were rocket gases, I asked why we have not heard of this in the past. I got that it was a coverup to not talk about it. The problem is that its happening so frequently now that enough people are raising eyebrows. I asked if it truly was gas from rockets and I got that this is the story that authorities want you to believe. I asked the spirals were a type of portal, and I got that is the residual effects of the portal closing. I asked why is the spiral always appearing to move across the sky? The earth is moving so the place where the portal was opened will leave a residual mark in our atmosphere that will linger, quite like chemtrails. As the earth moves, the position of the portal mark remains in the atmosphere. Some may ask if the spirals are portals being used by aliens, the answer is no, humans have established wormhole technology to visit other worlds. The technology is not limited to government use only, it is also being used by the wealthy to explore as well. Unfortunately I do not see this technology being openly shared with the public anytime soon. It will be kept under wraps due to the potential for abuse of the technology. We also do not know what danger lies beyond the portals that we are exploring, limiting the persons who enter them to sometimes never come back with no means of rescue.

The future is male birth control. Unfortunately, according to the readings our planet is grossly overpopulated. It is very difficult for life to sustain due to lack of food and soon lack of clean water. As ocean levels rise, the need to desalinate our water supply will become a huge problem. Population must be brought under control and more propaganda will be encouraged in global communities to pressure males into homosexuality and also birth control to control the populations. The old way of using birth control for women will become an outdated model. The article demonstrated between 50-60 years being the target for the experiment. I recall mentioning a 50 year model to test and try methods to solve global methods of data collection over the same period of time with social media and internet exchanges. With the new methods, the use of hormones as contraception will be a thing of the past, because it may be minimally effective towards a population goal, however there is too much room for user error, leading to pregnancies. This new technology will be utilizing gene manipulation to affect a males ability to reproduce. I do see that it will become a mandatory vaccination type of procedure for boys ages 12-14 who are attending public schools to cut down on unwanted child pregnancies. Great media propaganda will go to fantastic lengths to talk about child pregnancies and how to curtail the problem with children having sex at younger ages disrupting their education. Parents will be brainwashed and gaslighted into believing that they are doing the best thing for their young boys that are school age, with promises that the procedure can be easily reversed once they are ready to reproduce. I do see that the procedure will be in fact reversible however most men coming of age will not opt for the reversal until they are too old to reproduce. This will come from doctors being fed more scientific propaganda that if a young man does not reproduce early enough in life, they will risk having a child with complications. Very similar to the same propaganda that was sold to women over the decades of the dangers of having a child too late in life. 

About 2 years ago, I was going out to my car from my house. I saw a decent size bubble floating around in front of me. I thought, oh how cute, a Childs bubble machine sent a bubble this far, wonder where it came from?! As I went to my vehicle inside my fully enclosed carport, the bubble followed me! I did not get into my vehicle, I found it too strange. I stopped and stared at it, and had a psychic sense that it was intelligent. I thought I was going mad, however I took a chance and tried to talk to it. I said “come closer” and signaled with a curled finger for it to come closer to me. It did! It touched my vehicle a few times, but did not pop! I was astounded. I stayed with the bubble as it navigated around my carport and vehicle, it was obviously being steered to not go through objects or land in one spot. There was absolutely no wind either. I had to have been standing there for at least a good 20 minutes before it decided to leave and go check out the next house next door, hovering outside windows and doors. I truly felt that it was some kind of technology being used here. In doing a reading about these bubbles, I found that they are in fact being controlled by something ‘intelligent’. I checked to see if it was maybe another countries spy program and its not. In reading further I saw that this is borrowed Alien technology that is being used by our own united states government to probe into American peoples lives. Again, a type of data harvesting using “at home” or “in your home community” technology. I do feel that this technology will eventually be revealed when enough of the world captures these drone bubbles. It all sounds so far fetched and sci-fi’ish that its hard to believe, however mark my words, if the scientists are talking about motherships sending seed probes down to earth to investigate, then how are bubbles any different? They seem benign, right?

In doing my research about these artificial suns I learned that many governments are funding research into the artificial sun, particle accelerator and cern types of equipment to tamper with heavy particles affecting gravity, time and space. There is more than one particle accelerator and cern is not alone in their research. There has been a lot of excitement regarding the Higgs Boson particle discovery in understanding particle physics and cosmology. In this field where the strength of these interactions is responsible for a form of radioactivity and initiates the nuclear fusion reaction that powers the Sun. Now, what I find curious and exciting at the same time is all of the solar activity we have been experiencing around the time of our solar maximum. Why start CERN up again around a solar maximum? What does one have to do with the other if at all, anything? In my readings, I found that this is not just chance. I see that the starting up of the particle accelerator was resumed at this time with intention to excite the particles of our sun to provide our planet with more heat. Now you might wondering, why do we need more heat? Aren’t we having enough trouble with global warming? Well, not really because we are trying to prevent our planet from entering another mini ice age. This is what all our chemtrails are being used for, to hold in heat and allow food to grow and humans to thrive. Some of you might be wondering if chemtrails are a real thing and they certainly are. They are well documented with their purpose to add heavy metals into the atmosphere to create a warming effect to prevent this ice age from gaining foot. This is all well documented in the library of congress. Search and you shall find the information on the dot Govs. Even searching for data about the next ice age will prove my point that we are trying to avoid the ice age that should have already been here. 

VEGAS SEER reports and RockPsychic Predicts

I do feel that Avi Loeb has a very strong argument about the Alien fragments that fell to earth. I do feel that our government is trying not to cause a global panic and will go to great effort to discredit him, even by going as far as making a mockery about him and lumping him into the same category as Giorgio Tsoukalos the ufologist from Ancient Aliens. The kicker here, that I found in my readings is that yes, this is alien tech that fell to earth, however its human re-engineered alien tech. Avi Loeb will be told that what he found is top secret military experimentation equipment and to shut up for a matter on national security.

I do see a fantastic amount of change with regards to the future of hydrogen energy. It is extractable from the air! Why not use it. It is the most abundant source of energy in the universe and it is renewable. If cars can produce oxygen from using hydrogen, the we will also solve the climate problems.  However, I do not see this happening too soon. I do see that electricity is going to be the primary focus for energy over the next 50 years. I do feel that these technological advances and changes will happen in 50 year increments. We can expect to see hydrogen become a norm for energy by 2070, putting electricity, and fossil fuels behind us.

For many years, I studied geology. I collaborated with contractors for the USGS in my prediction of the Aug 23 2011 mineral Virginia earthquake where I pin pointed the exact date of the event and how the event was going to unfold and where. I have long known about the major fault Iines on the east coast and the st Lawrence seaway is one of the major faults along with the ramapo fault along the east coast. Over the years, we have seen some signifiant movement along the st Lawrence and into lake ontario. Here in western new york, it is normal to have minor small quakes. However these recent Watertown quakes have peaked my interest because of the cluster they have created. I went to look at the USGS earthquake map and found there were 19 q uakes on April 23 2023 starting with a minor 2.6 in Adams center about 9 days earlier. I went to look at the Lake Ozonia New York heliplots hosted on the usgs website and found that the movement is related to movement of the plates indeed, however underlaying the movement on the heliplot is a secondary illustration of very minor volcanic vibration. It’s my understanding that softer movement of the heliplot needle is demonstrated when volcanic and lava tubes are playing a role. There are no active volcanos in the st Lawrence region, they are all extinct, however this does not mean that their underground lava tubes are not still moving material, which seems evident. I do feel we can expect plate changes over the next 100 years to this region where the gab for the st Lawrence begins to close, cutting off the flow of water from the great lakes to the ocean. I do believe that underground channels will be dug by that time to remedy the problem for flooding along the areas of the great lakes. I believe all these changes are due to climate change and water tables. Add more underground water into the equation as we have melt off and there will be more lubrication for plate movement and geological plate changes. We cannot discount the local Kings Quarry in Adams new york as a contributor to these geological changes due to removal of sedimentary rock in the area by means of blasting.

People want truth and they are going to soon realize that as the World Economic Forum pushes back on capitalism that capitalism will push back on them, revealing the truth and going to great lengths to reveal the truth of what is happening to prevent losses from trillionaire status, money making industries and changing how prosperity and abundance of resources is exchanged throughout the world. This starts with revealing the “Great Facade” which will be the new name by 2026 for the “Great Reset” with capitalists stating to the public, “you have been deceived.” They are using every effort to push back and get the consumers aka the public to not feed into the socialist agenda. The capitalists are hanging on for dear life as changes are instituted. Some capitalists are creating plans to institute a new democracy off-planet on the moon and mars with a capitalistic plan for opportunity for all with no repression! By 2028 this plan to relocate humans within space camps in these privately governed camps with a goal of 2036 will become a new option for those who do not want to play the Great Facade game any longer. China is already on its way to creating Moon Habitats to save its existing capitalistic and consumer based ideologies. 

Vegas Seer

Apr 25, 2023, 12:26:52 PM4/25/23
to PsychicPredictions

the leaders in this project are interested in helping to lower the problem of so few organs available. There is a lot of progress still to make and we will not see this hit the open medical practice until 2030 when it will be openly available. This will also start a trend of designer organs such as purple eyes.


Aspergillus terreus and Engyodontium album—are effective at breaking down polypropylene, a plastic that is found in common containers that we usually toss in the recycling bin or the trashcan. as amazing as it is, there will be more harm than good if this processes is mass produced as the world will be thrown out of balance. the fungus if mass produced will harm the earth and its oceans. If this is used it must be handled with the same care and regulations used in handling high radioactive waste.

hydragen fuel

hydragen fuel will not surpass electric for another ten years do to politics and investors already tied in and betting on electric.

hydragen will have to make series leaps in capability to win favor and the spot light.

hydragen will be the better energy source to electric and other fuel sources in the next ten years. it will be recognized as such when it is announced that earth has made contact with alien life and achieved convenient space travel too leave this planet between 2035 and 2040

On Sunday, April 9, 2023 at 4:42:04 PM UTC-4 Vegas Seer wrote:

Vegas Seer

Apr 25, 2023, 12:26:57 PM4/25/23
to PsychicPredictions

24 APR 2023

Avi Loeb organizing $1.5m search to Papua New Guinea to look for interstellar object that crashed into ocean in 2014.

Loeb noticed the object in 2019 and identified it as the first interstellar meteor ever discovered – meaning it originated outside our solar system. According to Loeb, the meteor’s interstellar origin was confirmed to Nasa in April 2022 by the Department of Defense’s space command.

Loeb and his team also concluded that the meteor was tougher than all other 272 meteors in Nasa’s Center for Near Earth Object Studies catalog

yes they will find what they are looking for by September 2024 but it will be a hard search

nuclear power plants are being converted to produce hydrogen fuel both for combustion engines that will be better for trucks. And hydrogen fuel cells for cars and plains. By 2030 this will become the next big energy and fuel source for transportation vastly surpassing electric.

A magnitude 3.6 earthquake occurred around 2:10 p.m. with an epicenter 1 mile northwest of Jefferson County,

A magnitude 4.1 earthquake, 20 kilometers southwest of Watertown, was also reported in Canada around the same time Sunday. The earthquake struck 56 kilometers southeast of Kingston, Ontario,

the earthquakes from my preveuse predictions were to hit the lake erie area and up the fault-line between Quebece and the state of New York and Main into the Gulf of saint lawrence with miner structural damage.

There are more earthquakes to come along the saint lawrence fault line. On the night of the 26th April the event will reach 5.0 magnitude in Montreal Canada, The gulf of Saint lawrence and parts of lake Ontario and lake Erie.

Elon musk as been reviewing all news outlets that hold twitter accounts, and the ones that are government funded he has labeled there accounts as such publicly. PBS and CBC are two of them

this is going to cause public burnout from social media and news sources. people will stop watching the news, the economy will stagnate.

On Monday, April 17, 2023 at 6:10:09 PM UTC-4 Chickie Haute wrote:

chickie haute

May 11, 2023, 3:16:25 PM5/11/23
to PsychicPredictions



Solar flares July 7 2023 blip, sept 8 2023 bank systems down, Feb 23,2024 offline! This prediction aligns with our current solar cycle peaking in 2025 as well as an article from wired noting similar views which was not found until after the prediction was made.
Saturns rings turbulent universe affecting sun and all planets. why 11 year solar cycles our universe has bands from the Big Bang happening in increments. Residual energy lives in these bands similar to dark matter but it’s not dark matter. Since I am not a scientist I cannot name these bands however they are dense and very charged regions. It’s no mistake our polar regions are melting and Saturns icy rings are melting. There’s no beings on Saturn to pollute it. So pollution is not the culprit for our climate change. I predict this will all be revealed to humanity as a scientific error by 2070. 
Moving cities to higher ground . most will not leave, the exodus has begun ie: Los Angeles to Nevada and New York City to upstate inland, magic number is 250 miles inland. 2010 theme nappn Future maps was a thing!
Black holes collide Mandela effect time warp continues when Saturday feels like Sunday — sun changing colors is not a myth it’s just another Mandela effect.
Optical data vision light pulse new generation for future data and telecommunications. Predicted in the 1990 and again in 2011 with visions of optical grids surrounding earth. The timeline on this is set for 2027 which will have completely replaced the existing infrastructure prior to the great black out of 2025. It will take us 2 years to completely rebuild with the aid of Ai.
Processed food wef imitative for humans to eat less meat 3d printed synthetic meat
The future is synthetic foods that will cause a lack of nutritional absorption due to the molecules in synthetic foods being indigestible causing weight gain, health issues and high levels of morbidity 
King Charles will inevitably rise as a global leader, a worldly king telling the world how to live and thrive. His association with the WEF will not be emphasized. He was act as if he is independent. He will get away with implementing global change. His message to the world is do not resist the gift you have been given. He will be viewed as the true anti-Christ because churches hold great wealth and great wealth will be abolished, thus ending organized religion and churches. —PLAY VIDEO SMOKING GUN about financial crisis before 2030. — 
Doomsday glacier is tied to climate changes and moving people to higher ground, happening throughout our galaxy. This will lead to people staying in the cities and not heeding warning as flooding in such places as Houston Texas and New Orleans Louisiana take our lives thus lowering population.
Low carb low fat has many conflicting ideologies. Short term low carb can be beneficial if done short term. mammals require a balance of fats, carbs, proteins. This can only be achieved in a healthy way by eating clean, not eating processed foods. This takes us full circle to the world economic forums plan to feed us synthetic 3d printed foods that are indigestible.
It all seems like something a sci-fi tv show with any kind of food on demand to be printed and tasting delicious however how the molecules of the ingredients are affected when binded will in the end affect the lack of digestibility and absorption of nutrition. It may even cause future humans to adapt in a thousand plus years to absorb these synthetic meal creations. However right now, all bets are off for humans to fully utilize this technology and stay healthy.

chickie haute

May 11, 2023, 3:18:33 PM5/11/23
to PsychicPredictions


In my first reading, I queried as to whether the artificial suns created on earth in the man made laboratories are affecting our sun. The answer is yes, the nearby chemical reactions are affecting our sun. I asked how these artificial suns are affecting our sun? The particles that make up the artificial suns are causing a reaction from afar, kind of like how you can hold a magnet within a few inches of iron filings and they will gravitate, well the particles of these artificial suns that are contained in man-made labs are drawing filaments of hydrogen mix to gravitate towards earth. Despite our nearing a solar maximum, they are using this solar cycle at this time to excite the particles in further research for useful hydrogen on this planet for potential fuel uses in the future. I asked if these experiments can be detrimental to human life and I got a ‘no’. I asked if the experiments will cause large enough solar flares to cause power black outs across the globe, I got yes. I asked if these blackouts will be used by the governments of the world in a productive way? The answer is yes. There will be a cause and effect from the blackouts that will stem from the large solar flares. They will destroy electronics? The answer is yes. I saw that the end goal is to wipe out the banking systems so a new universal basic income can be installed globally for all persons. So in the quest for hydrogen research we are using this volatile reaction on our planet and using our sun to create a earthly reaction to knock out power and electronics as we know it. This is the larger step we are taking with the great reset. In reading when this will happen, there is potential for it to happen in 2023, however scientists on earth have to create the right combination of hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen to create the perfect balance of plasma to draw in large filaments from the sun to create their desired outcome. Since this has never been done before, they’re playing with trial and error until they get it right. What I can tell you is that they will get it right before the end of 2024. This is being done to #1 prevent a mini ice age from happening and warm the planet further and also in best interest for future energy sources. 

In continuing my research into the spirals seen over Hawaii and Alaska I cannot help but consider how vibrationally these two entities are similar to black hole energy. Have you ever seen a picture of a blackhole? Why are we being lied to about these spirals, and being told they are rockets? They are clearly not! They’re micro gateways, similar to black holes however not exactly the same. They do draw energies in and transplant and act as a entrance / exit. I feel that governments will not make it public that spirals will be used as gateways until around the year 2060.

When reading these articles my intuition told me something was very inaccurate about the information I was reading. In this day and age, I am constantly using my intuition to debunk the news I read. Sure enough, I had gone to several of the weather sites that were based on European weather, including even Spain based weather sites to see if what CNN and Reuters was telling us to be true. I checked the historical weather for the past week and for the upcoming days only to find that my intuition was correct, the temperatures in Spain did NOT and will not this week, go up to 104. It’s bullshit and sensationalized news. This led me down a rabbit hole to start thinking about Elon Musk’s statement on twitter over the past few weeks about the united states and other countries government part in propaganda in the news. Elon has been absolutely correct in his assessment and statements about same. I recall back in the early 2000s when Donald Trump created an argument that Obama’s birth certificate was forged. The media was all over this to prove that it was not fake, nor forged. I did my own investigating by visiting the website and accessing the article that included the pdf of Obama’s birth certificate for free download. I followed instructions on a YouTube article on how to use Adobe to view the edited layers of the birth certificate. Well, I was quite disappointed when the layers did appear with obvious edits, causing me to have a loss in faith in what the government and media were sharing with me.

In my psychic impression of this move by Elon Musk of Twitter to mark many news sources as propaganda I felt that there will be deep repercussions for Elon Musk’s bold attempt to show the American people that their news is fabricated and tailored with a political agenda. I did feel there would be severe backlash including but not limited to what we have seen already with Elon Musk being ousted from Texas after his rocket exploded and burned the launch pad. Great effort from NASA was made to prove that not all rockets cause this damage. I feel the US government will try to damage Elon Musks reputation and businesses, including but not limited to auto pilot in his electric vehicles, his spacex satellites by exciting the hydrogen plasma of the sun with local sun technology on this planet and other forms of sabotage to his future plans to develop a competitive Ai to ChatGPT. 

VEGAS SEER TOPICS and Predictions from RockPsychic


In reading the article I had multiple flash visions of learning to read the minds and body language of multiple animals. I see with the addition of Ai and newer forms of studying patterns we will be able to fluidly communicate with all plants, fungus and animals using machine learning by 2025.

Cat quantum physics

In my reading of this article I found that there were multiple dimensions of reality that were being demonstrated by the experiment. The quantum field affected perception of those who were witnessing the experiment. I do feel that the multiverse is deeply affected by the quantum fields and also perceptions. There is one dimension for understanding per each perception. This would equate to every living creature with intelligence or perceptive understanding of their reality to define their own dimension. This article comes as no surprise to me, as anyone witnessing charged particles going through a living being, some might believe that it would kill them. We can refer back to the man in the 1970s in Russia who put his head in a particle accelerator and lived to talk about it to this day! One side of his face remains paralyzed in time while the other side of his face ages with this dimension. The technology is only showing a physical side to unfolding and understanding perceptive reality.

Arizona west Nile virus out break

During a time of technology when designer viruses and lab leaks are a regular occurrence, it comes no surprise that West Nile is on the rise again as summer nears. As with any virus, they all mutate to somewhat of an extent and will always have peaks and valleys in their evolution. When it comes to pathogens living within the bug or animal kingdom, we have so much science to learn about and research and not enough resources, or manpower to research it all or keep up with the changes. I do feel that zoological viruses are going to become more predominant in the world by the year 2028. This may seem like a very short time, however this has already been the case with even something so simple as bird flu, pig flu, and all sorts of coronaviruses as there are many of them (not just covid19), and also rhinoviruses, human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and even herpes viruses, etc. I do feel that these problems have always existed however due to overpopulation of our planet, humans and animals have had to live in closer quarters, as moving in natural habitats are built over to provide homes for humans. This was inevitable. I do feel that science will be able to block some of these viruses however not without deeply affecting human DNA. Look at how scientists are divided about the Y chromosome and stating in recent news, that it is disappearing from men. This can be attributed to anything from micro plastic, soy, gmo’s or anything else that would be required to be inserted into our food or environment to affect population control. 

Slaughtered cows and goats

In reading this very twisted article the first thing I thought of was mental illness and someone who would do this intentionally to these animals to hurt or harm them as a hoax or some other sadistic behavior. However, in my readings I did look deeper and saw that it was not a mentally ill person(s) doing this. In fact, its not a human at all. I did see that its not a hoax either. I saw that whomever this is, is not human and they took the tongues as a delicacy that is to be treasured and valued. I do feel there will be more of these events and have already been, however they are not being reported for fear of exploitation. Some people do not want to have their ranches or families in the news, so its being left to hush hush, especially by those farmers who are of abrahamic religions. To avoid feeding into the negativity, or consideration and feeding into any ideas of “evil” most people have chosen to just shut up about the events that have happened to their cows and goats, leaving it as just plain negativity that should not be addressed or fed into so it won’t keep happening. I do feel that it is going to continue happening, along with other occurrences regarding goats, pigs, sheep, horses, cows and other bovine. 

Vegas Seer

May 11, 2023, 3:23:23 PM5/11/23
to PsychicPredictions

Flares and Trump

On August 28, 1859, the most significant solar outburst ever recorded occurred. Often called the "1859 Solar Super storm" or the "Carrington Event" this solar flare reached earth in less than 18 hours.

In the winter of 2024 earth will get hit with solar super storm that will knock out power and electronics. Some will lose power and electronics for 4 months and longer. There will be radical changes to human life.

Authority and governments will quickly regain power and electronics and use it as a strategic advantage over enemy's and resistance to the world economic forum. Others will be quick to help there citizens rebuild. 4 states will separate from the union by the summer of 2025 in effort to protect there own interest as the us constitution goes under a radically re written

Hydro-Québec, a public utility, lost service in the early hours of March 13, 1989. For nine hours, the province of Québec was without power, disrupting numerous areas of daily life in society.

The underlying cause for the blackout was swiftly determined to be a massive solar flare that occurred on March 10 and released a vast cloud of solar plasma toward Earth. The resulting blackout was the direct consequence of space weather.

Eight USA electric providers built a stockpile of transformers in 2015 for use in an emergency. President Trump of the United States gave agencies instructions in a March 2019 executive order to strengthen the grid's resistance against electromagnetic pulses.

Space force was created to monater solar storms as well as satilights and information war fare.


The latest conspiracy theory about a world-ending solar flare is pretty convoluted. In short, a German politician named Friedrich Merz gave a speech in February commenting on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and meant to say that February 24 “will be remembered by all of us as a day which we will say, ‘I remember exactly where I was.’” He misspoke at the time and said September 24 instead of February 24, and now that video is making the rounds on TikTok with folks saying a solar flare is on the way.


Saterns ring are merging with the planet over time. This is supost to happen as the planet moves away from being a gas giant and matures one step closer to becoming a solid mass.


Doomsday glaciar

there are so many scientific indicators about the coming collapse of the Thwaites Glacier (AKA the “Doomsday Glacier”). Once this glacier collapses, scientists expect sea levels to eventually rise 10 feet or more in a fairly rapid progression. At that point, everything near the coast will be underwater and destroyed. 

There are several links hear to articals, The first article says the collapse could come “as soon as three years from now”. The second article (CBS news) says the collapse could come “within as little as five years.” The third article (Fortune) quoting Robert Larter says, “Thwaites is really holding on today by its fingernails, and we should expect to see big changes over small timescales in the future—even from one year to the next.

The Thwaites glacier will cause mass flooding by the year 2027

this is from neglect as the powers of the earth look to keep the earth warm and away from global cooling


we need to get as far away as possible this will destroy us if we are to close. We are not physically capable of surviving the fallout of two suns colding.


WENF king

Amid the sea of Union Jacks, demonstrators filled the air with a chorus of boos Saturday at King Charles III and Queen Camilla’s coronation.

The elaborate royal procession was heckled by anti-monarch protesters who joined the crowd of onlookers watching the parade on Saturday.

Down with the crown!” many among the masses shouted as the carriage rolled past, armed with blinding yellow signs and shirts.

Not my King!” they yelled, stationed among the hoards of Brits lining the central London streets.

Several protesters were arrested before the ceremony this morning, but members of the group told CNN that the Metropolitan Police did not cite reasons why.

At 7 a.m. local time, officers detained and searched six demonstrators who are members of Republic – a group aimed at abolishing the monarchy – the organization’s director Harry Stratton told CNN.

Among the small group detained was Republic’s chief executive Graham Smith, according to footage shared on Twitter by the Alliance of European Republican Movements.

This was a catch and release tactic for in the moment public disturbance they are seen as no real threat and will be released and sent home with stern warnings.

Stratton told the outlet that officers who were asked why the group was being detained allegedly said police would “figure it out” after they were searched.

They didn’t say why they were arresting them. They didn’t tell them or us where they were taking them. It really is like something out of a police state,” Stratton said.


King charles 3

It must be noted at the outset that the Great Reset is just a pandemic-period continuation of the pre-COVID-19 green, anti-development perspective of banker elites centered in London/Wall Street networks, and Prince Charles in particular, who, after all, is a close collaborator of Klaus Schwab, founder and Chairman of the World Economic Forum.

As frustrating as it is the agenda that the WEF has will benefit us all in the end, harmony among humans cannot be rushed. There will be a lot of struggle and discomfort along the way but this has all happened before many time every generation has its rise and falls. Its very important going forward the we all truly understand what is happening around us, why its happening and what are the consequences of our desessions going forward.

Many will die along the way the blackout and loss of power in the last months of 2024 will become a spark on the world wide powder keg. WW3 will brake out in 2025 along with several civil wars and rights looting this momentum will be used to kick off and release deadly pathogens. The goal is to reduce population and rebuild society under a new age of technology and economy that is less competitive.


this is not new information

the research while accurate is tainted because you must take into account the quality over quantity of what the person eats as well as there health and reageon of living. is the real answer

chickie haute

May 11, 2023, 6:07:30 PM5/11/23
to PsychicPredictions


Vision of large concrete filtration stations in the oceans of the world. During the fourth industrial revolution for which we have just entered, large scale capitalistic businesses will have a greater responsibility to clean up the environment, as they were the ones who polluted it the most. New industry in clean up efforts will be created along with new jobs over the next few hundreds of years to stabilize our environment. We will start to see these jobs popping up as soon as 2024! Great care will be taken to break down the components that created the pollutants so their chemical compounds will no longer pose a threat to our planet. While working with lab safety, I learned about how acids and bases should not be combined to prevent toxicity. For what I see in the future, similar standards in creating products carefully will apply similar ideology. It will be very costly to break down these compounds, so for instance, companies that supplied plastic bottles will be held responsible for providing delicate equipment that can collect plastics from landfills and oceanic filters to break them down into their basic carbon and hydrogen compounds using techniques like chemical conversion and hydrocracking for recycling for fuels etc.  


In the very near future we will see a vast elimination of jobs. Just the other day, I visited an Aldi supermarket that had only 2 registers for humans to operate, the other 4 were scanning stations for quick checkout. There were only 2 people working in the entire store! I wondered to myself, what happened to those employees that once upon a time worked here? 

In a conversation with Bard Ai by Google I addressed questions about the future of jobs and what will humans do? The Bard Ai explained there will be a very rapid expansion into the fourth industrial revolution using Ai. This will lower costs of living all the way around and force the creation of new jobs.

In my reading, Ai will not destroy humanity, it will change it. Ai will enhance humanity by lowering overall stress, leading to greater longevity. It will make room for humans to attain more education and allow for more creativity without the cumbersome responsibilities of dull work that no longer challenges humans.

In reading into what kind of jobs will be created in the future, I saw that creative and problem solving jobs will be required. Everything from land cultivation to jobs that do not require human accountability to teams, ie: working alone, brainstorming, creating new ideas, solving problems to new issues that are conflicts or causing disharmony and misalignment between man and machine. Jobs that require human touch, delicate judgement calls, job creation, hands on skill development, confidence and esteem building, relationship and social skills, compassion based jobs ie: all types of social rehabilitation specialists, drug / pharmaceutical specialists, psychological counselors, social workers, integration specialists, political and social leaders, etc.


In my reading of this topic, I saw that more natural solutions that take away from harmful chemical compounds will be used more frequently to control pests and how they affect human activity. I see that starting in 2023 more natural products and recommendations to use nature against nature as bugs and animals do will become a trend. Relying more on these natural products will lead to less of a need for chemical pesticides and other chemical fertilizers leading to GMO resistance in the public and their concerns for overall well-being.

In my reading of this article I saw that they dated the fossils to be 230,000 years, however beings on this planet date further back. Some Hindu texts state our planet is more than 150 trillion years old. Science says its closer to 4.5 billion. It is ignorant and arrogant to consider beings only existed for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years on earth. The key words to understanding here are ‘homo-sapien’. When using this language it is easy to discount that other beings inhabited our planet prior to homo-sapiens or other types of beings similar to homo-sapiens.

In an article from 2021, there is a timeline of homo-sapiens that dates back 2.5 million years ago.  

We need to remember that a trillion is written out with four sets of three zeros and it is to count out twelve separate zeros in total. This number boggles the mind, however think about how much time this is when we talk about 150 trillion years in existence of our planet. Even a billion is 1000 million - that’s a one followed by nine zeros! Wrap your head around these numbers and consider what kind of beings could have been here? 

I read deeper into this and found that aliens in the sense of beings not of this world, did in fact settle on this planet. They integrated with other aliens and cross-bred to become humans and sub-cross species of humans that eventually evolved to smooth out the hybrid species imperfections to create what we have today. We do read history about the giants in the Bible and these were beings that were a part of the hybrid process. Science recognizes these as hominoids that were both human and ape.

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