Hello all,
Field Day is right around the corner -- it's coming up in ten days.
If you haven't seen our website that's full of info,
http://www.seattleradiofieldday.org, please do take a look. It'll tell you where we'll be, what we're operating, and what the educational (and food!) schedule looks like.
We've put together a
great video as a Field Day 101. If you're new or curious to Field Day, please take a few minutes to watch it. Then, on the Thursday before Field Day,
June 20th, at 6pm, we'll be holding an intro chat and Q&A via Zoom -- please join us
using this link. We'll go over general Field Day things, including the exchange and what the Seattle Radio Field Day will look like. All questions are welcome !
I'm also very happy to answer any questions by email.
Otherwise, I look forward to seeing you at
South Seattle College, probably on Saturday unless you are coming by on Friday to help us set up. If you have any questions, don't hesitate.
73 !
Quentin K7DRQ