Voting System Donation Request

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Doug Kingston

Apr 26, 2018, 10:25:31 PM4/26/18
At the April board meeting, the PSRG board unanimously voted to move forward with the repeater voting system and approved a budget of $2400 to fund up to 4 additional receiver sites.  This will include Beacon, Lake Forest Park (the reservoir site), somewhere on the east side (e.g. Bellevue), and somewhere on the south side (e.g. SEATAC).  These additional receivers will significantly improve the coverage of the repeater for HTs, low power mobiles and those with poor home antenna systems.  

The group has funds in the bank, but this is largely meant to be our reserves against a substantial expense (e.g. repeater replacement due to catastrophic failure).  Given that we have minimal ongoing operating expense, we have been lucky enough that we have maintained a $0 dues policy.  Our approach to major capital expense has been to ask for one-time donations to support those projects.  It is in that spirit that I now ask for your donations to support the voting system project.

I know we have many members in many different financial situations, and this is a totally voluntary activity.  We are asking those whose finances allow to consider making a one time contribution to support this project.  If half our members gave $40, we would fully fund this project, but any contribution will help.  I will note that the project was initiated by donated equipment by one of our members, for which we are most thankful.

If you feel able to contribute please contribute online (preferred) via Paypal with your credit card using this link:

or mail us a check at:
Puget Sound Repeater Group
PO Box 17366
Seattle, WA 98127

​I know this appeal will be successful because we have a great community that has always supported us in the past and I know will do so this time.

Doug Kingston

Apr 26, 2018, 10:41:28 PM4/26/18
Several people have pointed out that I provided a bad donation link.  Please visit and scroll down about 1 page until you see the DONATE button (yellow) under Donations.

Sorry for the confusion
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