With material help from Randy (W3RWN) and labor from Casey (AE7SL), the Puget Sound Repeater Group has installed its test DMR repeater at Capitol Park. This repeater is linked to and carries the core
PNW-DMR (Pacific NorthWest DMR Group)
talkgroups. Please visit
their website for more information on the PNW-DMR network,
talkgroups, user technical guidelines, and operating best practices.
Now the details so you can program your radios. Our repeater is new so its not in the existing codeplugs which you can download from
the PNW-DMR website.
RX 440.775 / TX 445.775 (+5.0) Color code 2
Callsign WW7PSR
This is a dedicated narrowband (12.5KHz) channel.
DMR Digital transmissions only.
Time slot 1: