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Sep 18, 2014, 1:38:17 AM9/18/14
hello, i just create this profile only to say thanks:
thanks, PSPSEQ is the most portable synthesizer in the world. Congratulations for your great job (and great ear).
Its a powerfull and complex device in terms of sound manipulation. that is what i like, the endless capacity when modeling the sound that simply push my imagination to new worlds, new ideas. with PSPSEQ my imagination has no limits, i can create all the time,  in all places. Is a beautiful instrument for my ears, my mind and my soul.
In terms of work is very simple and fast to accomplish what i'm looking for. that is why i love PSPSEQ.
PSPSEQ is a beast of the sound. there is no way to compare PSPSEQ with any other ''app'' or ''game'', because neither of this programs make the things that i can make on PSPSEQ. im still using PSPSEQ for ''non comercial'' music. And i will use this all my life. Yes... the PSPSEQ changed my point of view about the ''digital synths'' and opened a new way to approach on sound.

to the subject:
the visualize option have a great potential. maybe i can see the future of PSPSEQ as the first synthesizer for psp with possibilities of audio and video with totally internal sync, and why not with external sync via usb?.
just for now maybe i feel little bit frustrated with  visualize of the version 3.01. i would love to have the opportunity of manipulate those graphics. But for now i'm satisfied. i program tracks to make that the graphics react in determinate way, and i noticed very interesting results on this experimentation. i'm very happy with my PSPSEQ.

thanks for your great job. 
there is a way to make donations to this project?
thanks and sorry for my wrong english.


Sep 18, 2014, 10:44:24 AM9/18/14
First off, thanks.  Seriously!  Messages like this mean a lot to me.  I never set out to make something normal.  I wanted the synths to be as odd and flexible as possible so users could find their own sound with it.  For a lot of people it didn't make sense, but for those who did I feel like I really helped uncover some new audio worlds and it makes the effort more than worth it.  :)

I do wish I had more time and knowledge to really expand on the visualizations.  I would work on them when I'd get stuck on a bug or just needed a break from the audio side of things but I never really took it seriously.  I also wanted to provide a way to listen to a track without focusing on the step sequencer.  There are minor manipulations you can do to some of the graphics but I can't remember at all what they are now.  I think all of them are controlled via the analog stick, but try using the d-pad as well.  No great changes, but I know some of them could be modified a bit as the tracks play.  Colors could change or probabilities of motion; things like that.

Right now there's no intention of releasing another version of PSPSeq (though sadly I do have a nearly finished 3.10 with some bug fixes and workflow improvements).  Haven't looked at the code in many years and my development environment to release for the PSP is not active any more.  I'd like to write sometime for iOS/Android that's simpler and more focused on live experimentation while working in a similar audio space; just finding the time is tough.  If I ever do I'll certainly post about it here.

As for donations, the best thing would be to post links to some of your music.  MP3s would be best; I don't even remember where my PSP is anymore!  :\  Of course this request for music goes out to everyone; hearing what people have made is incredibly satisfying.  Post away!
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