updated future feature list + Maker Faire Rhode Island

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Sep 5, 2009, 3:26:18 PM9/5/09
to PSPSeq
Hi everyone, now that work has settled down a bit I'm think about a
potential new release for PSPSeq. Haven't done any real work yet but
I did update the list of future features with everything that's on my
mind. Please let me know if there's something I've missed (discussed
or not) and also if you have any feedback on the questions I put in
the list.


Basically I can make some of the workflow changes relatively quickly
or do some major synth overhaul changes which will take a long time.
Not sure which I'm up for.

Also, I think I'm going to be at the Rhode Island Maker Faire showing
PSPSeq. That's on September 19th. Nothing new for you to see but if
you're in the neighborhood definitely stop by and say hi.



Sep 6, 2009, 2:50:54 PM9/6/09
to PSPSeq
Couple quick things:

1. Not going to be at the Maker Faire after all. Ah well.
2. Started implementing some of the basic features on the list.
Right now I can now jump from loop to loop while in EDIT SYNTH mode
(Ltrig+Rtrig+Dpad left/right) and can force a retrigger/jump to
current step in EDIT SYNTH mode via Ltrig+Rtrig+X. That one's still a
bit touchy as it misses the trigger about 10% of the time. Not sure I
can make that work perfectly but I'll see what I can do.

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