I think I got a pretty decent sound out of this program!! Check my tracks out!

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Apr 10, 2009, 3:58:24 PM4/10/09
to PSPSeq
Don't know how to post a link, copy and paste myspace.com/tarekfm


Apr 10, 2009, 4:16:16 PM4/10/09
to PSPSeq
that's all PSPSeq? that's awesome! seriously i'm really impressed
both with the synthesis and the mixing. everyone should check these

not sure if you've checked out the EP HS put out on Running Jump
Records, but it's very cool too and all PSPSeq as well:


oh and any chance you'd care to share a .SEQ or two? i'd love to how
you're making some of your sounds.

FYI, i'm the creator of the program, in case you didn't catch
that. ;)


H- Seiken

Apr 10, 2009, 4:31:43 PM4/10/09
to psp...@googlegroups.com
Cool play on obscure time signatures for sure...don't hear much of that in the program really even though the option's been there for a while.  Keep it up.


Apr 10, 2009, 4:46:33 PM4/10/09
to PSPSeq
Oh yeah, quite aware!! I found out about you in computer music
magazine, this was the perfect program for me. I didn't even own a psp
at that point! This was months ago! I downloaded both psp seq and psp
rhythm, I was most excited by psp seq, however, I couldn't get any
good sounds to started with psp rhy. I knew that psp seq had more
potential for originality, it was just too damn difficult!! I said f
it and started figuring your program out, I am a guitar player
actually and have never really worked with electronic music before.
Reading computer music helped me loads though! I didn't use any of the
prerecorded loops which came with the program...All of the sounds are
from your synths. I will hold on to the seqs for these tracks,
however, I will make a seq just for the community to show my
appreciation and gratitude for the program. I don't even own a laptop,
all of my guitar stuff is at somone else house(I am still post
transcontintental move ny to london) I love dance music and this
program let me do some of the stuff i had been envisaging for months
with my tight budget!! I will leave some info on my tracks for now.
Basically every single sound is high pass filtered. I have only left
low frequencies on the kick drum and bass sounds, they are removed on
all other sounds. The KS gen makes a pretty decent snare sound when
layered with a bam or fm kick drum. BAMDEC was used for the bass sound
in soldier's march. I used FMSVF for the bass in pinstripes, that song
is a very good example of the unique sound this program can deliver.
BFMSVF gens.
Seriously, much gratitude for this program
ps...yes it was all created using psp seq....like tropicana oj,
nothing added, nothing taken away!!:)


Apr 10, 2009, 4:49:14 PM4/10/09
to PSPSeq
you are the first person to notice! good job!:)

On Apr 10, 9:31 pm, H- Seiken <haky...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Cool play on obscure time signatures for sure...don't hear much of that in
> the program really even though the option's been there for a while.  Keep it
> up.

Matt Battaglia

Apr 10, 2009, 8:50:50 PM4/10/09
to psp...@googlegroups.com
Wow, thats brilliant stuff there dude, thanks for sharing.

--- On Fri, 4/10/09, Tarek-FM <knm...@yahoo.com> wrote:


Apr 10, 2009, 10:34:31 PM4/10/09
to PSPSeq
I enjoyed these alot, also curious to see some .seq files.


Apr 11, 2009, 9:54:03 AM4/11/09
to PSPSeq
Hey that's cool about the computer music article. Any chance you have
access to a scanner/a copy of the magazine? Sounds like that's not
the case since you just moved, but figured I'd ask. I haven't seen a
copy of that article yet (that issue of CM never came to my city!).
PSPSeq was also featured in Keyboard magazine around that time,
between those two mentions that was a nice amount of coverage.

That's very impressive (and heartening) that you don't have electronic
music experience and came up with this. Did you have a lot of
experience with mixing or the production side of things? I like the
music a lot but I think the mixing is what does it for me. I have a
terrible time making my music sound clean, I like what you've done
here with your pieces in that regard.

Definitely update us when you've made some more music, I'd love to
hear it.



Apr 11, 2009, 11:28:54 AM4/11/09
to PSPSeq
Ha, I have been here since June 07...It has just been a whirlwind
since, still recovering! I will try to scan the article for you at an
internet this week. I just started learning how to produce and mix mid
last year. Predominantly on your program! I read CM and FM quite
religiously and thats what has helped, I would be clueless otherwise.
I can give you a pointer, in my opinion the kick drum and bassline are
king and queen respectively. They both have large egos and need their
own space, I never place one on top of the other. If I do, I use the
delay portion of the DADSR to push the bass back a few ms so it swells
from underneath the kick so to speak, this is particularly useful if
you have your attack settings higher than .03. Otherwise If they must
share space I high pass the bass quite ruthlessly(sometimes 2000hz and
up!) For the other sounds I high pass, pan and make sure that they are
in different registers so they all have their own space. The only
sounds I leave in the middle are the kick, snare , clap , hats and
bass....sometimes I will leave a lead in the center as well. Basically
when working with the limitations of this program, intelligent use of
SVF(esp high pass and band pass) is your only key to a clean sound. As
I said, I will create a 2.30 min or so .seq just for the community
and I will also leave some single loops of some aggressively loud
synth sounds I created layering and panning synths using low, notch,
band pass and high filters.

I myself had two questions. How exactly does using freqmode with SVF
differ from using a filter sans this setting? I.E say I decide to high
pass my kickdrum at 100hz, it sounds completely different then if I
highpass it with freqmode enabled at same frequency! Really
interesting! I understand it tracks the frequency but what does that
mean exactly?

My second query is I have attempted to use the interpolation feature
and it doesn't seem to work. I don't know if it is my copy of pspseq
that is at fault or me. I followed the instructions as per your
document(make the start and end step loc param blue with diff values)
and there have been no changes in the parameters in between those
those steps to indicate I have performed the operation correctly.

In any event, will let you know when I can scan the article and will
be posting some .seqs in the near future.
I am glad everyone is enjoying the music, this is a phenomenal
program..we are just scratching the surface of what it can do!



Apr 11, 2009, 11:57:06 AM4/11/09
to PSPSeq
I agree about just scratching the surface, there is a hell of a lot
going on with SEQ. I was curious about one thing, you mentioned you
found seq a little difficult to pick up, was anything specific hard
about it?


Apr 12, 2009, 10:35:08 AM4/12/09
to PSPSeq
Ha!! Like everything! I first used PSP rhythm for a few weeks and got
the hang of it pretty quickly. I really wanted to use PSPSEQ as I knew
I would have complete control over all the sounds, but all the sounds
I created initally were uber-weak! Esp getting solid drum sounds, when
you go from using punchy samples to using waveforms and white noise
for your drum sounds you might be quite disappointed with the results!
I wanted all the sounds I used to be from the internal synths as
opposed to any included loops or samples and considering I have never
worked with synths b4, made it quite a challenge. PSP rythym has a
piano roll so I didn't how to change the notes! The manual was
daunting, 4x longer than psp rythym! I made myself sit down one day
and read all of it, then I started to flow.
> > > > > > Tarek-FM:)- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Apr 12, 2009, 3:22:37 PM4/12/09
to PSPSeq
The sounds you have created sound really great. Excellent work.


Apr 13, 2009, 2:11:35 PM4/13/09
to PSPSeq
> I myself had two questions. How exactly does using freqmode with SVF
> differ from using a filter sans this setting? I.E say I decide to high
> pass my kickdrum at 100hz, it sounds completely different then if I
> highpass it with freqmode enabled at same frequency! Really
> interesting! I understand it tracks the frequency but what does that
> mean exactly?

Well I can't test this right now to make sure it works properly, but
the intention of frequency tracking is that instead of setting the
cutoff frequency of a filter as an absolute value (like say 100Hz),
you could set it as a ratio of the synthesizer it is tied to. So, if
the synth is set to play a note at 100Hz, frequency tracking is on,
and frequency offset is 1.0, then the filter should cut off at 100Hz.
If you change the frequency to 200Hz the cutoff also changes to
200Hz. The frequency offset allows you to set how much you multiply
the generator's frequency by to set the filter's frequency. So if
offset is 2.0 and the generator is playing at 100 Hz then the cutoff
is 200 Hz, and if you set it to 0.5 then the cutoff in that case would
be 50Hz. The idea is to make it easier to use a generator and the
filter as a whole unit working together. Does that make sense?

> My second query is I have attempted to use the interpolation feature
> and it doesn't seem to work. I don't know if it is my copy of pspseq
> that is at fault or me. I followed the instructions as per your
> document(make the start and end step loc param blue with diff values)
> and there have been no changes in the parameters in between those
> those steps to indicate I have performed the operation correctly.

I think you're forgetting to do one thing; set control-only steps
between the start and end locations. There are two colors that steps
can be in the sequencer, either blue or orange. If they are blue then
the envelope retriggers when the sequencer reaches that step. I
usually refer to these as "triggered steps" since the synth retriggers
when that step is reached. If you select a triggered step, hold X,
and press the D-pad up or down you'll see the triggered color changes
from blue to orange and back to blue again. When it is orange it is a
"control-only step". This means the envelope doesn't retrigger but
all other synthesizer values are reloaded at that step.

So, to use interpolation usually you will set the place where you want
the note to start playing as a blue step and all the steps after it
where a parameter is changing to orange. Then you go into the synth
edit screen, go to the start location where you want to interpolate,
set the start value, and press SELECT. Then press the A-pad to the
left (or right) to get to the last value you want to interpolate, set
the end value, and press SELECT again. That should do it. Let me
know if that doesn't make sense or it's still not working for you.
You could also look at some of the demo songs that come with PSPSeq
(kiera.seq has some in there) to get a better idea of how this works.

Impressive you made you tracks without interpolation! I'm sure you'll
have fun with this feature. It's really useful for making less static
sounding instruments.

> In any event, will let you know when I can scan the article and will
> be posting some .seqs in the near future.
> I am glad everyone is enjoying the music, this is a phenomenal
> program..we are just scratching the surface of what it can do!

Gotta agree with the scratching the surface comment. I do think
there's a lot more that can be done, and a lot of other genres PSPSeq
could be used to make some interesting music (noise/powernoise comes
to mind first). Some generators like KS and FX like PCF have not been
pushed nearly as far as they can be to make some very strange sounds.


Apr 17, 2009, 2:59:51 PM4/17/09
to PSPSeq
Glad you enjoyed!!:)


Apr 17, 2009, 3:06:42 PM4/17/09
to PSPSeq
Perfect! Now I got it! I tried it yesterday and it worked! What a
great feature! I am going to post the article from CM #130 sept 2008
(UK edition)..have a great day/evening!:)


Apr 17, 2009, 3:09:21 PM4/17/09
to PSPSeq
The file is 22.PDF btw;)


Apr 17, 2009, 3:57:21 PM4/17/09
to PSPSeq
awesome! now that i see what it looks like i think i'm going to have
to see if i can order a back issue online somewhere.

as for the interpolation, yeah it's really helpful. you can also
randomize parameters by pressing X rather than SELECT at the start and
end locations. that can be really fun with things like the modulation
index on FM. also, if you set up a track with a long envelope and
control-only steps on every step except for one (which is normally
triggered) and hold either triangle or circle while modifying a synth
parameter you'll make instant changes so you can (sort of) play
instruments live.
Message has been deleted


Apr 17, 2009, 4:22:13 PM4/17/09
to PSPSeq
Yeah CM is my bible! I have learned soooooooo much from that magazine!
I feel like I really know what I am doing with music now! Ill have to
try out that trick you just showed me!
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