installing WinSDR on new computer.

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Lee c

Aug 30, 2023, 3:12:08 PM8/30/23
to Public Seismic Network Mailing List
Not sure if this belongs on mailing list. I have a seismometer and had WinSDR on a computer that was struck by lightning. I have to reinstall on my new computer. I have no idea how. I also understand I might have to download a driver that lets the A/D box communicate with the computer and I dont even know what an A/D box is. Is that my Webtronics 16-bit serial output digitizer? My new computer is a DELL xps with Windows 11. Thanks much for the help. Lee

Jón Frímann Jónsson

Aug 30, 2023, 4:53:12 PM8/30/23

I don't know how well WinSDR works with Windows 11. But it should work in the same way as it does with Windows 10. Just download from Larry website the 64bit version of WinSDR, since Windows 11 maybe can't run 32bit programs properly because of internal changes.

Windows installs automagically all USB drivers if you have USB version of the digitizer.

Best regards,
Jón Frímann

Þann 30.8.2023 21:12, skrifaði Lee c:
Not sure if this belongs on mailing list. I have a seismometer and had WinSDR on a computer that was struck by lightning. I have to reinstall on my new computer. I have no idea how. I also understand I might have to download a driver that lets the A/D box communicate with the computer and I dont even know what an A/D box is. Is that my Webtronics 16-bit serial output digitizer? My new computer is a DELL xps with Windows 11. Thanks much for the help. Lee
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Lee c

Aug 30, 2023, 7:18:56 PM8/30/23
to Public Seismic Network Mailing List
Thank you, that is very helpful and I installed WinSDR. Now I get 2 errors: 1) unable to open Comm port 1. The digitizer has a comm connection that is plugged into the computer on a usb port using a conversion cable. That's how we had it plugged in on the old computer. 2) We are not sure how to set the port to a different setting. When we try to open System Settings, the program closes. Thanks much for the help.

Jón Frímann Jónsson

Aug 30, 2023, 9:02:03 PM8/30/23

In Windows the device viewer should tell you what port to use. Why it crashes I don't know. This might be incomparability with Windows 11. You can try to run compatibility mode, but that only works so far.

Best regards,
Jón Frímann

Stephen Hammond

Aug 31, 2023, 1:40:26 AM8/31/23
Hi I’m also not certain about win11 as I use win10. Suggestion: 1) run/start winsdr in admin mode. (Run as Admin). 2) check system com ports in Windows device manager to see what com ports are assigned ie com1 etc. and then go into system setting in winsdr and try each of the com ports found in device manager. The message you’re currently receiving tells me that there’s another system device that has the com port already assigned to a hardware device. You may have a USB device that is locking up the com port and using the com device address or interrupt so also check the USB devices to see if one is a com device. You can also try in the Windows OS device last, manually changing the individual comport setting of one of the ports to com6 and then restart winsdr and change the system setting in Winsdr to utilize com6. Regards, Steve

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 30, 2023, at 6:02 PM, Jón Frímann Jónsson <> wrote:


Lee c

Aug 31, 2023, 5:10:32 PM8/31/23
to Public Seismic Network Mailing List
Possibly my digitizer got fried when my old computer got struck by lightning. It has power in but the light is not on. I think that might be giving the COM port error? If I have to buy a new one, do I do it through Redwood? Lee

Jón Frímann Jónsson

Aug 31, 2023, 5:56:39 PM8/31/23

Larry has stopped making new hardware last time I knew. I don't know if you can get a replacement for WinSDR hardware. If the com port does not show up in Windows then the hardware is not connecting. Giving you error. It is possible the electric pulse that destroyed your computer did also destroy the WinSDR hardware. I assume the AC-DC unit for the WinSDR hardware also got destroyed after the lightning strike. If you can't get the board repaired or replaced you can get Raspberry Shake to record earthquakes. That's the new style of hardware and software. WinSDR works to some extend with Raspberry Shake over TCP/IP.

Best regards,
Jón Frímann

Angel Rodriguez

Aug 31, 2023, 7:53:47 PM8/31/23
Hi Everyone,

I sell a small 24 bit board that is single channel and one that is 3 channel.  While they are not "drop-in" replacements they were designed by Larry and he wrote the software that makes them run, They are WinSDR compatible.  The single channel board is $75 and the three channel board is $150.  I have lots of the three channel boards and some single channel.  the single channel. will need a raspberry pi computer and the three channel will need a beaglebone black.  They talk to WinSDR over the network.

Cheers Angel

Lee c

Sep 1, 2023, 8:32:49 PM9/1/23
to Public Seismic Network Mailing List
I'm getting a new digitizer sent to me, and I just entered my winquake code and name of the network and at first it said "Thank you for registering WinQuake" and when I then clicked OK, it said, "Error creating registration key: Error= Open, Please contact the author at"

Lee c

Sep 1, 2023, 8:35:39 PM9/1/23
to Public Seismic Network Mailing List

Now when I open WinQuake, after putting in the code and “Mesa State College” (which first said thanks and then gave an error), it says “cannot create or open .psn key in the registry”

Jón Frímann Jónsson

Sep 2, 2023, 7:32:58 AM9/2/23

You need to run WinQuake in Administration mode in Windows 11 (also Windows 10) and maybe even set Windows 11 to run it as older version of Windows.

Best regards,
Jón Frímann

Lee Cassin

Sep 2, 2023, 2:12:18 PM9/2/23
Should we try to find a32-bit version of winquake since that seemed to help with WINSDR?

Sent from my iPhone

stephen Hammond

Sep 2, 2023, 6:11:08 PM9/2/23

I had the same thing happen when I reinstalled my software. When adding the registration key information to WINquake—RUN WINQUAKE IN ADMIN mode (Run as Admin).  Your user ID does not have authority to create a registration key entry. The system administer does have the authority. As to 32 to 64 bit comment—I use the version that matches the CPU.

Regards, Steve Hammond PSN San Jose


Sep 3, 2023, 11:17:39 AM9/3/23

Your USB to serial adapter may not be working. You’ll have to either get it working or get a new one. Once the com port is listed in Device Manager, then you can verify whether your digitizer works. I was able to install the 64-bit version WinSDR successfully on Windows 11. Just make sure you have a COM port available. And for WinQuake, run it in admin mode so it has the permission to create the registry key when you register it, as Steve and Jon mentioned. 

I can also vouch for Angel’s single and 3-channel digitizer for the Pi Zero and Beagkebone Black. Both are excellent digitizers that interface to both Earthworm and WinSDR. 


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