Trying to reject an worker?

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Isabelle Chong

Feb 6, 2022, 2:59:16 PM2/6/22
to PsiTurk
Hi all! I'm a new PsiTurk user trying to figure out how to reject specific workers. I have an experiment I've been running on PsiTurk, but some workers have been inputting garbage data instead of seriously doing the experiment and I would like to reject them. I've tried running worker reject <worker ID> where workerID is in the format of [A-Z0-9]:[A-Z0-9] (apologies for the inaccurate regexing, but hopefully you get the idea), but I keep receiving the error that the regex is incorrect. I have also tried plugging in workerID as the first half (before the colon) of the workerID or the second half, or both together, but receive the error, "Response(Operation: reject_assignment | Status: error | Exception: An error occurred (RequestError) when calling the RejectAssignment operation: This operation can be called with a status of: Submitted (1644176118249))." However, I checked "Submitted" using worker list --submitted, and the workerID I've been working with is listed there. Does anyone happen to know what's wrong? Thanks so much!
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