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Heroku Price Model

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Tom Williams

Sep 14, 2022, 5:13:02 PM9/14/22
to PsiTurk
Per Heroku's website, free Heroku access is going away in about two months.
Is there a plan to migrate heroku to something else (or just bite the bullet and pay for Heroku?)

Todd Gureckis

Sep 14, 2022, 10:12:14 PM9/14/22
to Tom Williams, PsiTurk
There’s never been any intrinsic link between psiTurk and Heroku, it is just that the best instructions for set up were designed with Heroku in mind.  Someone could easily set up the same types of instructions for other services which are pretty low cost like Google Cloud, etc…  And of course you can run it off your own computer for free if you can get an inbound IP address.

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Dave Eargle

Sep 14, 2022, 10:16:47 PM9/14/22
to Todd Gureckis, Tom Williams, PsiTurk
Dang it, I didn't reply to the Google group when I sent this earlier message, saying basically the same as Todd:

They're supposedly going to announce a plan for students later. And I'd assume PI's can afford the, what, $15 a month if it runs all month it will cost after the change? No, there's no migration plans. Psiturk isn't dependent on heroku, anyways. It just happens to work there. Like it would on GCP, or AWS, or wherever.

Tom Williams

Sep 15, 2022, 8:43:40 AM9/15/22
to Todd Gureckis, PsiTurk
Got it, makes total sense. Thanks!!

On Wed, Sep 14, 2022, 8:12 PM Todd Gureckis <> wrote:
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