Experiment served from Heroku not working

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David Gallagher

Jul 28, 2021, 10:51:42 PM7/28/21
to PsiTurk
I followed the tutorial on readthedocs and was able to get an experiment running on Heroku. I can access the ad for the experiment and run a debug session using the direct link to the Heroku app. When I use psiturk to create a HIT, it gets posted to the requester sandbox and it seems to be set up correctly. However, when I try to accept the hit as a sandbox Worker, the preview screen shows what seems to be a Heroku under construction page, with the text "There's nothing here, yet." and "Build Something Amazing". I can't figure out what's wrong; there doesn't seem to be anything in server.log, other than this message occasionally: 

[2021-07-28 22:30:45 -0400] [21037] [CRITICAL] WORKER TIMEOUT (pid:21040)

Any ideas for what I can try? 

David Gallagher

Jul 28, 2021, 11:04:21 PM7/28/21
to PsiTurk
Found it - I'd been doing a lot of work with the config.txt file and had forgotten to change it to my current Heroku app. Working now.
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