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Problem with Psiphon in Iran...

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May 7, 2013, 5:49:28 AM5/7/13
First of all Thanking you for your great job by creating this gate of freedom which is called PSIPHON 3.
There is a big problem connecting with Psiphon 3 into Iran's Internet (big disappointment is a better name for it) since few days ago... and I saw many other complains about it too. 
Psiphon connects and reconnects every 1 or 2 seconds, it is not stable at all and using it is almost impossible. 
The same happens on Android version too so my guess is, Iran authorities just started to block it somehow by tracking and blocking Psiphon Servers perhaps...  
Looking forward to see it fine and brilliant again as what it was used to be, and also a comment about the problem from the team of Psiphon 3 so it shows that the voices are heard.
Once again, THANK YOU.
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