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John Baldridge

Dec 1, 2021, 9:41:25 AM12/1/21
to Psi-Users
We will need to replace old hardware at some point.  PSI 10, sql 2008 what all is involved?


Sergey Ilinykh

Dec 1, 2021, 11:24:20 AM12/1/21
to psi-...@googlegroups.com
Hello John,

SQL is unrelated to Psi. Psi - is an xmpp client which connects just to an XMPP server, And it's up the server to connect anywhere else (including SQL server).
In general upgrading the client should be quite safe. It still works with the same protocols as many years ago.

Best Regards,

ср, 1 дек. 2021 г. в 17:41, John Baldridge <jtbso...@gmail.com>:
We will need to replace old hardware at some point.  PSI 10, sql 2008 what all is involved?


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