While on the subject of Diligence's REST service, it's not clear to me
how I can get the MongoDb resource to output HTML. In the
diligence-example it does not (just says "Could not represent as
HTML", despite claims to the contrary on the example page :-), and
there's this bit in the documentation:
You can customize this view as you please: just create
"/diligence/service/rest/singular.html" and
"/diligence/service/rest/plural.html" files in your "/fragments/"
directory. You can start with the default files under your container's
"/libraries/prudence/" directory as a template.
But I'm not sure where my /fragments/ should be as I can find no
reference to it in Prudence documentation, nor is there an obvious (to
me) place in the diligence example code.
I guess I'm having a documentation searching problem and any pointers
would be helpful.
Thanks again!
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