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Halloween Treats: Join PRSA for half price AND get bonus New Pros Section!

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Jeneen Garcia

Oct 31, 2019, 12:45:01 PM10/31/19
to, Jessica Espinal, Alisa Agozzino,

Dear PRSSA Advisers,


We just sent the email below to PRSSA grads from the last two years.  However, please encourage your grads to use this promo code and also share this with your upcoming December grads too. This offer expires November 30.


Thank you,










Unlock the key to success with PRSA!


The future can be scary as you embark on your career but having the support of like-minded peers and a professional organization can ease the worries...


You can find this kind of help by joining PRSA, the nation’s leading professional organization serving the communication community.


PLUS: When you use promo code AMPG19, new members* can:

  • Get a PRSA membership now for only $30, and   
  • Get a FREE membership to PRSA’s New Professionals Section. This Section consists of 1,000+ members, all facing similar challenges so you can share concerns and discover solutions.


But sign up now — these limited-time offers will disappear Nov. 30, 2019...


As a PRSA member, you’ll be able to:

  • Tap into members-only, peer-to-peer online communities filled with professional insights and advice.
  • Upgrade your skills and learn new techniques via FREE professional development webinars.
  • Get discounts on upcoming events and more.
  • Access informative resources designed exclusively for public relations and communication pros.    


Invest in yourself — join PRSA now!


Rectangle: Rounded Corners: JOIN NOW




"I became a PRSA member early in my career and quickly saw the value it provided for networking opportunities and keeping up with industry trends. There are also many professional development opportunities available."

— Wendy Jenkins, senior public relations and communications strategist, Virginia Retirement System, Richmond, Va.



What You’ll Receive When

You Join PRSA:


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New Ideas



There’s an incredible amount of sharing, learning and brainstorming that happens among PRSA members, both in-person and online.


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Learning Opps



PRSA offers a wide variety of free and discounted educational programs that can help you keep your skills up to date and maintain your edge.


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Enjoy opportunities to get to know more than 21,000 PR and communication professionals who have a wealth of knowledge and connections.




Rectangle: Rounded Corners: JOIN NOW


For more information on membership details, click here. *Offer applies only to new members joining PRSA as Associate members, PRSSA graduates.  






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